Temple University is committed to providing superior educational opportunities to its students. To help us maintain quality academic offerings, the University and its programs regularly examine the effectiveness of the curricula, teaching, services, and programs the University provides. As Temple University sees appropriate, it may retain representative examples or copies of student work. This might include papers, exams, creative works, or portfolios developed and submitted in courses or to satisfy the requirements for degree program(s).
In addition to regularly collecting and reviewing student work, Temple University may summarize the results of this review, and use the information to improve programs and enhance student learning. Some of this assessment may also be necessary for Temple University or its programs to demonstrate it meets the standards of external review or accrediting bodies.
Typically, results will be reported in a general, summary format and students' names will not appear on the collected examples. Cohorts may be tracked for specific educational purposes, but the expectation is that assessment will be anonymous. Identifiers will only be used when there is a compelling reason and educational value.
Questions about the assessment of student learning at Temple University may be directed to the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, 215-204-8277 or assessment@temple.edu.