
Offered by Department of Management Information Systems, the Minor in Management Information Systems (MIS) is open to all students. A minor in MIS provides undergraduate students the ability to identify, select, use and apply information technology (IT) to their major field of study. The minor provides the skills and terminology needed to become a knowledgeable user of IT in the business world and interact successfully with technology professionals in an organization. The MIS minor will position students for jobs in business application areas, consulting, technical liaisons, and selling and acquisition of business software. Students will

  • Understand the key information technologies used by organizations;
  • Learn how to specify technology solutions and engage with IT professionals;
  • Understand the importance of business processes;
  • Identify how specific IT solutions are designed and implemented to increase efficiency and effectiveness; and
  • Apply data analytics to collect, store, analyze and disseminate organizational information.

To take courses for the MIS minor students must first declare their intent to minor in MIS.

Learn more about the Management Information Systems minor.

Campus Location: Main

Contact Information

Joseph Allegra, Senior Associate Director
Speakman Hall, Room 210C


  • Six courses are required for the minor (four of these must be taken at Temple University):
    Required Courses
    ECON 1101Macroeconomic Principles3
    HRM 1101Leadership and Organizational Management3
    MIS 2101Digital Systems3
    MIS 2502Data and Analytics3
    MIS 3504Digital Design and Innovation3
    Select one of the following:3
    Data Science
    Honors Data Science
    Scripting for Data Science/Analytics
    Defending Against Cyber Crime
    Strategic Management of Information Technology
    Information Systems Innovation with AI
    Social Media Innovation
    Special Topics
    Co-operative Experience in Management Information Systems
    Total Credit Hours18
  • A grade point average of 2.0 in the minor is required as well as a minimum grade of C- in each course unless otherwise specified.
  • ECON 1101, HRM 1101 and MIS 2101 cannot be used to meet minor requirements if already used to meet the requirements for a major or a different minor or certificate.
  • Courses for the minor must be completed prior to graduation; if completed, the minor will be recorded on the final transcript upon graduation.
  • For more information and to declare or rescind this minor visit the Fox MIS Minor web site.

Interested students should discuss with their home college advisors how the courses in the minor will fit into their overall degree plan and are strongly encouraged to declare the minor early in their academic career.