
The Minor in International Business Administration, offered by the Department of Management, uniquely prepares students for the global economy through project-based courses, internships and transformative study abroad opportunities. This minor is designed to benefit students of all majors by giving them an option to study International Business courses and, therefore, embrace an increasingly international world without having to be fully proficient in a foreign language. The International Business Administration minor is the perfect complement to any major.

The minor is open to all business and non-business students who have already selected a Temple University major.

Campus Location: Main

Contact Information

John A. McClendon, Chair
Alter Hall, Room 354

Bertrand Guillotin, IB Program Academic Director and IB Association Academic Advisor
Alter Hall, Room 539

Department of Management
Alter Hall, Room 333


  • Open to business and non-business students.
  • Designed to benefit students of all majors by giving them an option to study International Business courses and, therefore, embrace an increasingly international world without having to be fully proficient in a foreign language. The International Business Administration minor is the perfect complement to any major.
  • Four courses are prerequisites for this minor (two of these must be taken at Temple):
    ECON 1101Macroeconomic Principles 13
    or ECON 1901 Honors Macroeconomic Principles
    ECON 1102Microeconomic Principles 13
    or ECON 1902 Honors Microeconomic Principles
    HRM 1101Leadership and Organizational Management 13
    or HRM 1901 Honors Leadership and Organizational Management
    MKTG 2101Marketing Management 23
    or MKTG 2901 Honors Marketing Management
    Total Credit Hours12

    A minimum grade of C- is required in ECON 1101/ECON 1901, ECON 1102/ECON 1902 and HRM 1101/HRM 1901.


    A minimum grade of C is required in MKTG 2101/MKTG 2901.

    Note: Prerequisite courses are not calculated in the minor GPA.

  • Required courses (three of these must be taken at Temple University):

    Select two Geographical International Business electives:6
    Fundamentals of International Business
    Fundamentals of Asian Business
    Fundamentals of Latin American Business
    Fundamentals of European Business
    Fundamentals of Business in Africa and the Middle East
    Short Study Trip Abroad: Doing Business in a Foreign Country
    Select two of the following:6
    International Business & Marketing
    International Business Internship
    International Business Internship
    Professional Selling and Sales Management
    MKTG 3505
    Digital Marketing
    International Business & Supply Chain Management
    Principles of Supply Chain Management 1
    Transportation and Logistics Management 1
    International Business & Entrepreneurship
    Global Entrepreneurship 2
    Planning to Start Your Own Business
    Entrepreneurial and Innovative Thinking
    Lean Startup: Fast and Inexpensive Ways to Test and Launch Your Ideas
    Total Credit Hours12

    SCM 3515 and SCM 3516 have additional prerequisites which would require non-business students to complete additional courses.


    IB 3596 has an additional prerequisite.

  • Two of the four prerequisite courses and three of the four required courses for the minor must be taken at Temple University.
  • A grade point average of 2.0 in the minor is required as well as a minimum grade of C- in each course, unless otherwise specified.
  • Courses cannot be used to meet minor requirements if already used to meet the requirements for a major or a different minor or certificate.
  • Courses for the minor must be completed prior to graduation; if completed, the minor will be recorded on the final transcript upon graduation.
  • To declare or rescind this minor, visit the Fox School of Business and Management.

Interested students should discuss with their home college advisors how the courses in the minor will fit into their overall degree plan and are strongly encouraged to declare the minor early in their academic career.