
The Department of Film and Media Arts offers both the Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Film and Media Arts (FMA). The FMA program focuses on the development of creative expression and technical skills in film, video, audio, digital media, and new technologies, and the theoretical understanding of media and culture. The program recognizes and explores the creative tension between individual expression and the social, political and economic forces that shape culture at large through the creation and study of film, video and new media.

Students are trained in developing meaningful content as well as craft, theory and practice. In learning independent and mainstream approaches to production and theory, graduates will be prepared to develop their own independent productions and to assume a creative role in the motion picture, television and media industries.

Initially students declare either the Bachelor of Arts in Film and Media Arts or the Bachelor of Arts in Film and Media Arts with an optional Concentration in Screen Studies. In the spring of their sophomore year (60 credits), students may apply to enter one of three upper-level optional BFA concentrations in Directing, Media Arts or Screenwriting or one of three upper-level optional BA concentrations in Cinematography, Producing or Post Production.

The Bachelor of Arts in Film and Media Arts with an optional Concentration in Screen Studies is a liberal arts degree that allows students to study in depth the aesthetics, history and cultural significance of moving-image media. It draws upon the fields of cinema studies and humanities-based disciplines of media studies and media arts theory, while also encouraging students to approach screen cultures from neighboring disciplines, such as cultural studies, area studies, art history or visual studies.

Students who are interested in declaring a concentration in Screen Studies may do so at any time; please see an academic advisor for assistance. We encourage students from all disciplines to consider Screen Studies as a double major.

Campus Location: Main

Program Code: CA-FMA-BA

Los Angeles Study-Away Program

The Department of Film and Media Arts offers a department-run study-away academic and internship program in Los Angeles every semester. Students may apply to attend in fall, spring and summer of their junior and senior years. They should complete FMA 2071 Creative Industry Head Start before attending the Los Angeles Program. Students interested in this option should contact the director of the Los Angeles Program, Alison Crouse, at alison.crouse@temple.edu.

Other Internships and Special Programs

FMA has an extensive internship program throughout the year in Philadelphia. Additionally, many organizations in New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Washington, D.C. provide regular opportunities for student professional internships. Temple University offers Temple-run special programs for study and research in Rome and Tokyo.

Contact Information

Chris Cagle, Associate Professor

Learn more about the Bachelor of Arts in Film and Media Arts.

These requirements are for students who matriculated in academic year 2024-2025. Students who matriculated prior to fall 2024 should refer to the Archives to view the requirements for their Bulletin year.

Bachelor of Arts in Film and Media Arts with Concentration in Screen Studies

Summary of Requirements for the Degree

The Bachelor of Arts degree may be conferred upon a student majoring in Film and Media Arts with a concentration in Screen Studies by recommendation of the faculty and upon satisfactory completion of a minimum of 121 credit hours. Students must complete:

  1. University requirements:
    • New students are required to complete the General Education (GenEd) curriculum.
    • All students must take a minimum of two writing-intensive courses. The specific writing-intensive courses required for this major are listed below and identified with the code "WI".
  2. No more than 21 FMA credits can be transferred to the major.
  3. A student must earn a grade of "C-" or better in all Film and Media Arts courses that count towards the degree.
  4. Students may take up to 8 internship credits in Film and Media Arts.
  5. Students may count a maximum of 66 FMA credit hours toward the 121 credit hours required for the degree.
  6. As noted below, students in the Screen Studies concentration must fulfill a foreign language requirement in addition to the FMA coursework and general university requirements.

FMA Foundation Courses

Film and Media Arts students will complete the following courses by the end of the sophomore year:

Select one of the following:4
Film, Video and Interactive Foundations I
Media Arts for Non-Production Majors
FMA 1171Media & Culture3
FMA 1172Introduction to Film and Video Analysis3
Total Credit Hours10

Concentration Requirements

Foreign Language Requirement

Students must complete or test out of the first and second levels of a foreign language - these courses are numbered 1001 and 1002. Ideally this requirement should be completed in the first or second year.

Students are strongly encouraged to take the third level of a foreign language (numbered 1003 in French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese and numbered 2001 in all other foreign language subjects) and/or pursue a Study Abroad opportunity.

Required Courses

Courses required after completion of Screen Studies Foundation Courses:

Select two history surveys:7-8
Survey of New Media
Film History I (1895-1950)
Film History II (1950-Present)
History of Experimental Film and Video Art
Select one theory course:4
Theory and Practice of Media Culture
Film Theory
Select two courses on film and culture:7-8
American Film
Contemporary Screen Studies
International Cinema
Anthropological Film/Media
Women Film/Video Artists
Topics in Media Culture
Select one 2000+ FMA elective3-4
Select two 3000+ writing-intensive courses:8
Writing-Intensive Seminar: Film Directors, Periods, and Genres
Advanced Film History
Writing-Intensive Study in Documentary Film
Two semesters of Foreign Language 18
Total Credit Hours37-40

Students may place out of part or all of the language requirement with tested proficiency.

Suggested Academic Plan

Please note that this is a suggested academic plan. Depending on your situation, your academic plan may look different.

Bachelor of Arts in Film and Media Arts with Concentration in Screen Studies

Suggested Plan for New Students Starting in the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
FallCredit Hours
FMA 1171 Media & Culture 3
Select one of the following: 4
Film, Video and Interactive Foundations I  
Media Arts for Non-Production Majors  
One semester of Foreign Language (may be continuation of prior language study) 4
ENG 0802
Analytical Reading and Writing [GW]
or Analytical Reading and Writing: ESL [GW]
or Honors Analytical Reading and Writing [GW]
 Credit Hours15
FMA 1172 Introduction to Film and Video Analysis 3
One semester of Foreign Language (continuation of language taken in Year 1 Fall) 4
IH 0851
Intellectual Heritage I: The Good Life [GY]
or Honors Intellectual Heritage I: The Good Life [GY]
GenEd Quantitative Literacy Course GQ 4
GenEd Breadth Course 3
 Credit Hours17
Year 2
Select one of the following: 3-4
Survey of New Media  
Film History I (1895-1950)  
Film History II (1950-Present)  
History of Experimental Film and Video Art  
IH 0852
Intellectual Heritage II: The Common Good [GZ]
or Honors Intellectual Heritage II: The Common Good [GZ]
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
Elective 3-2
 Credit Hours15
Select one of the following: 3-4
Survey of New Media  
Film History I (1895-1950)  
Film History II (1950-Present)  
History of Experimental Film and Video Art  
2000+ FMA elective 3-4
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
Elective 3-1
 Credit Hours15
Year 3
Select one of the following: 4
Theory and Practice of Media Culture  
Film Theory  
GenEd Breadth Course 3
Electives 9
 Credit Hours16
Select one of the following 3000+ Writing-Intensive courses: 4
Writing-Intensive Seminar: Film Directors, Periods, and Genres [WI]  
Advanced Film History [WI] (3000+ Writing-Intensive Course)  
Writing-Intensive Study in Documentary Film [WI]  
GenEd Breadth Course 3
Electives 8
 Credit Hours15
Year 4
Select two of following: 7-8
American Film  
Contemporary Screen Studies  
International Cinema  
Anthropological Film/Media  
Women Film/Video Artists  
Topics in Media Culture  
Electives 8-7
 Credit Hours15
Select one of the following 3000+ Writing-Intensive courses: 4
Writing-Intensive Seminar: Film Directors, Periods, and Genres [WI]  
Advanced Film History [WI] (3000+ Writing-Intensive course)  
Writing-Intensive Study in Documentary Film [WI]  
Electives 9
 Credit Hours13
 Total Credit Hours121