
In an era of accelerating scientific discovery and new challenges to society and the world, an understanding of science and technology (scientific literacy) is essential for the support of a well-informed public and enabling rational policies. The effective communication of science and technology is integral to science literacy. Individuals with skills in communicating and writing in the sciences and technology, and having a strong foundation in the sciences or related field, can gain rewarding careers in the private and public sector, in bringing to the public scientific matters at a variety of levels.

The Certificate in Science and Technology Writing provides a foundational step for individuals seeking careers in this area. As science and technology writing necessarily requires a strong foundation in the sciences, the certificate program is taken alongside a major in a science field. The program is open to students from any college provided their major is STEM-based.

Campus Location: Main

Program Code: ST-SATW-CERT

Undergraduate Contact Information

Susan Varnum
Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs and Science Education​
College of Science and Technology​
Gladfelter Hall, Room 629
215-204-6390 or 215-204-4073

Robert Sanders, Chair
Biology-Life Sciences Building, Room 255

Erik Cordes, Vice Chair
Biology-Life Sciences Building, Room 447

Angela Bricker, Faculty Advisor for Biology Majors - junior and senior
Biology-Life Sciences Building, Room 248C

Jay Lunden, Faculty Advisor for Biology Majors - first and second year
Biology-Life Sciences Building, Room 248M

Learn more about the undergraduate certificate in Science and Technology Writing.

Certificate Requirements


Prerequisites for BIOL 4522, BIOL 4532 and BIOL 4533 include the requirement that students will have completed at least one of the following upper-level courses.

Select one of the following:3-4
Evolutionary Ecology
Human Genetics
Cell Structure and Function (F)
Evolutionary Genetics and Phylogenetics
Behavioral Genetics
Genomics and Evolutionary Biology of Parasites and Other Dependent Species
Marine Ecology
Animal Behavior
Developmental Biology
Ecology of Invasive Species
Conservation Biology
Tropical Marine Biology
Plant Community Ecology
Global Change Science: Analytics with R
Molecular Biology
Research Techniques in Molecular Biology
Developmental Genetics
Freshwater Ecology
Systems Neuroscience
Theory and Applications of Cancer Biology
Field Research in Community Ecology
Scientific Writing for Biology: The Art of Communicating
Genomic Biology
Inorganic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry Lecture I
Physical Chemistry Lecture II
Biochemistry I
Introduction to Systems Programming and Operating Systems
Data Structures and Algorithms
Component-Based Software Design
Network Architectures
Paleontology and Stratigraphy
Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
Structural Geology
Numerical Analysis I
Introduction to Modern Algebra
Modern Algebra
Real & Complex Analysis I
Advanced Calculus I
Electricity and Magnetism
Classical Electromagnetism
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics I
Thermal Physics
Total Credit Hours3-4

Required Courses

Students pursuing a Certificate in Science and Technology Writing must complete the following courses: 

College of Science and Technology
SCTC 2396Writing for Science and Technology3
Discipline-Based Writing Intensive Course from Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Science, Computer and Information Sciences, Mathematics, Physics or other Science Major
Select one of the following:3-6
and Research Techniques in Genetics (S) 1
Scientific Writing for Biology: The Art of Communicating
Advanced Study in Biology
Instrumental Analysis
Software Design
Independent Research in Computer Science
Projects in Computer Science
Climate Change: Oceans To Atmosphere
Process Geomorphology
Environmental Science Senior Seminar
Introduction to Modern Algebra
Modern Algebra
Senior Problem Solving
Introduction to Modern Physics
Experimental Physics
Select two of the following: 26
Introduction to Scientific and Regulatory Writing
Introduction to Grant Writing
Communicating Science to a Broader Audience / Non-Scientists
Best Selling Science and Mathematics
Learning Science with New Media
Total Credit Hours12-15

BIOL 2207 and BIOL 2297 are co-requisites of each other. Must be taken together.


Students may take only one of the following SCTC courses as an elective: SCTC 2105 or SCTC 2106. The other elective must be chosen from BIOL 4522, BIOL 4532 or BIOL 4533.

Residency Requirement: At least two courses for the certificate must be completed at Temple.