
The Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, offered by the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, provides a modern curriculum covering a breadth of content, ranging from biological bases of cognition and behavior to sociocultural influences on human interactions and psychological disorders. The curriculum is designed to develop students' critical thinking skills through emphasis of the scientific basis of psychology and through courses in statistics and research methodology. The program also emphasizes the integration and synthesis of information across courses and activities through the step-wise progression of the curriculum from the introductory, foundational and advanced classes up to the final capstone course that is taken in the senior year. Students are strongly encouraged to develop applied skills through rigorous and highly focused experiential learning in research laboratories and community-based internships. The curriculum is designed to be sufficiently flexible to satisfy the diversity of needs among undergraduates. An individually tailored curriculum may be selected for the purpose of preparing students for employment or further study in psychology, neuroscience, medicine, law, business or other fields.

Psychology identifies several learning goals for each level of instruction in the program. At the introductory level (PSY 1001, PSY 1002, PSY 1003, PSY 1004), goals include familiarity with the scientific grounding of the discipline (PSY 1001), basic statistics (PSY 1003) and scientific methods (PSY 1004), as well as information on how to prepare for a career in psychology or a related discipline (PSY 1002). At the Foundation level (2000-level courses), students develop deeper knowledge of the fascinating content areas in the discipline, which are broadly organized in two groups:

  1. Developmental/Clinical/Social (DCS); and
  2. Brain and Cognitive Sciences (BCS).

Students are required to choose at least two courses from each of these two general areas, and this ensures familiarity with the breadth of the discipline. These courses cover a wide range of topics from the functions of the neuron to the development of moral thought. At the Advanced level (3000-3620), students continue to develop critical thinking skills to dispassionately examine conflicting claims, analyze data, organize research papers, and become more proficient with the scientific process in a writing-intensive course (PSY 3096). Students also are required to select four courses with the option of continuing to develop breadth or choosing to delve into greater depth in one area, such as clinical psychology. Finally, at the 4000 level, students choose a Capstone course to complete their coursework. This writing-intensive course is designed to help students integrate their knowledge base, to refine their critical and writing skills, and generally to synthesize their knowledge of the discipline.

Campus Location: Main

Program Code: LA-PSY-BA

Internships and Research Opportunities

Psychology students have the opportunity to gain real-world experiences and course credit through Internship and Practicum classes. Learn more information about Internships and Practica.

For students interested in research opportunities, many of the Temple Psychology faculty have active research laboratories on a wide range of research topics. Students can apply to work as research assistants in a laboratory and can also earn Collaborative Research credit for doing so. Learn more about Collaborative Research.

Accelerated +1 BA/MS Program

The accelerated +1 Bachelor of Arts in Psychology / Master of Science in Psychological Research offers outstanding Temple University psychology majors the opportunity to earn both the BA in Psychology and the MS in Psychological Research in just 5 years. Admission to the program is highly selective. This program is designed to provide a research-intensive experience, advanced coursework and professional development to students who intend to pursue doctoral studies in any of the academic psychology disciplines.

Students apply to the program in the spring semester of their junior year after completing a minimum of 72 undergraduate credits. Eligible students have a minimum 3.5 GPA overall and in Psychology. Additionally, students must have a faculty sponsor who has agreed to mentor the student's master's project research during the four-semester program.

Applications are due March 1st each year.

Learn more about the MS in Psychological Research.


An undergraduate degree in psychology affords many opportunities for careers and further study at the graduate level because the knowledge and skills learned through the major (e.g. critical thinking, human behavior) are important to many disciplines. Psychology majors are often employed in management positions, education, healthcare, research, real estate, sales, marketing, social services and labor relations. Many psychology majors also go on to graduate study in psychology or other fields, including law, medicine and business school.

Psychology students at Temple are informed of career options and advised to begin to make career decision through a formal course called Careers in Psychology (PSY 1002). This course is designed to encourage students to begin to prepare for their career early during their undergraduate training so that they may maximally benefit from their undergraduate education.

Curricular Overlap Policies

There are several related majors and minors offered by the Psychology and Neuroscience department, including the major and minor in Psychology, the Cognitive Neuroscience minor, the Clinical and Health Psychology minor, the major in Neuroscience: Systems, Behavior and Plasticity, and the Neuroscience Research minor.

Students majoring in Psychology may take a minor in Cognitive Neuroscience, a second major in Neuroscience: Systems, Behavior and Plasticity, or a minor in Neuroscience Research. Psychology majors are not permitted to take the minor in Clinical and Health Psychology but are permitted to take its courses as electives in their major.

Students who opt to double major in Psychology and Neuroscience: Systems, Behavior and Plasticity may double-count the following required courses without taking additional electives in their major to replace the credits:

Students who major in Psychology and minor in Cognitive Neuroscience may double count the following required courses:

Students who major in Psychology and minor in Neuroscience Research may double count one elective course and

The Psychology Honors Program

Students who major in Psychology are encouraged to participate in the Psychology Honors Program. A main goal of the Psychology Honors Program is to provide each student with an individualized experience that will prepare them for psychological research in the future. This program is designed as a two-year study that begins with critical thinking, writing and the study of methodology. Grade requirement is a 3.5 GPA across all courses. Upon completion of this program, students will have produced a senior thesis and presented their work at a student poster session. Some students present research at regional or national meetings.

Learn more about the Psychology Honors Program.

PSY 2991Honors Research I4
PSY 3991Honors Research II3
PSY 4991Honors Research III3
PSY 4996Honors Capstone4

Distinction in Major

Students earn Distinction in Major upon completion of the Psychology Honors Program.

Student Organizations and Honor Societies

Joining a student organization can provide opportunities for leadership experience, career development and service. Some of the student organizations that are of particular interest for psychology majors are:

  • Psychology Majors Association (PMA)
  • Psychology Majors of Color (PMC)
  • Psi Chi: The International Honor Society in Psychology

Learn more about student organizations for psychology majors.

The Undergraduate Psychology Majors Association

The goal of the Psychology Majors Association (PMA) is to provide opportunities for students to apply their appreciation of psychology through activities outside of the classroom. PMA also promotes networking between students and faculty members within the psychology department. PMA members participate in a variety of opportunities including volunteer work, field trips, workshops on graduate school, current topics in psychology, and career development. More information is available at Psychology Majors Association.

Psychology Majors of Color

Psychology Majors of Color bridges the gap between psychology students of color (and other related fields) by providing a common place to convene to create a sense of community. We touch upon mental wellness issues within communities of color as well as making sure that our members are able to thrive within their career paths post-Temple by providing them with the necessary skill sets. By creating this common space, we provide a supportive environment for our members to uplift each other's professional goals. For more information, contact templepmc@gmail.com.

Psi Chi - The National Honor Society in Psychology

Psi Chi, the National Honor Society in Psychology, has an active chapter at Temple University. The minimum requirements for membership in Psi Chi are a 3.20 cumulative GPA and a 3.50 GPA in Psychology courses. Psi Chi members are given opportunities for growth and development within the field of psychology. Psi Chi encourages students to engage in research opportunities within psychology as well as continue their education in graduate studies. For more information, contact psichi@temple.edu.

Phi Beta Kappa

Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest honor society in the United States. It was developed to foster and recognize excellence in the humanities and sciences. More information about Phi Beta Kappa requirements and activities is available at Honor Societies.

Advising Resources

The Department of Psychology and Neuroscience has its own academic advisor for undergraduate students. Psychology majors are encouraged to contact the department advisor with questions about the curriculum and graduation requirements. In addition, psychology majors should contact the advisor for:

  • Capstone Registration,
  • Psychology Internship Inquiries,
  • Research Credits, and
  • Adding a Psychology Course After the Open Drop/Add Period.

Contact Information

Department Office
6th Floor Weiss Hall

Peter Marshall, Chair
656 Weiss Hall

Peter James, Associate Chair
617 Weiss Hall

Cynthia Gooch, Director of Undergraduate Studies
519 Weiss Hall

Learn more about the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology.

These requirements are for students who matriculated in academic year 2024-2025. Students who matriculated prior to fall 2024 should refer to the Archives to view the requirements for their Bulletin year.

Summary of Degree Requirements

University Requirements

  • MATH 0701 (4 s.h.) and/or ENG 0701 (4 s.h.), if required by placement testing.
  • All Temple students must take a minimum of two writing-intensive courses as part of the major. The specific courses required for this major are PSY 3096 Conducting Psychological Research and one of the following capstone courses: PSY 4696 or PSY 4996.
  • Students must complete requirements of the General Education (GenEd) Program. See the General Education section of the Undergraduate Bulletin for more details.

College of Liberal Arts Requirements

  • Completion of a minimum of 123 credits, including:
    • 90 credits in CLA/CST courses;
    • 45 credits of which must be at the upper level (numbered 2000-4999).
      • For Social Science majors, 6 upper level credits (numbered 2000-4999) must be taken in Humanities Subject Areas: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Greek (Ancient), Greek and Roman Classics, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Philosophy, Religion, Russian, and Spanish in the College of Liberal Arts, Art History in the Tyler School of Art and Architecture, or any department in the College of Science and Technology.
    • A minimum GPA of 2.0, cumulatively, in CLA/CST coursework, and in the major.
    • Only courses in which a student receives a grade of at least C- can satisfy GenEd, major, minor, or CLA Foreign Language and Global Studies requirements.
    • Professional Development Requirement
      • All students in the College of Liberal Arts are required to take a 1 credit seminar in professional development. PSY 1002 Careers in Psychology is the appropriate course option for this major. Other courses that fulfill this requirement may be found on the CLA College Requirements page. Only one course in this category may count towards graduation.
    • Foreign Language/Global Studies Requirements
      • All students must complete or test out of the first and second levels of a foreign language - these courses are numbered 1001 and 1002;
      • All students must complete at least one course from the GenEd Global/World Society category; and
      • All Bachelor of Arts students must complete one of the following options:
        • Third semester of a foreign language;
        • Demonstrated proficiency beyond the third semester in a foreign language (placement exam or certification from the language department);
        • Take one Global Studies course from the list on the CLA College Requirements page;
        • Study Abroad at an approved program; or
        • Take a second General Education Global/World Society course.
      • Notes on Foreign Language Study
        • The third level of language is numbered 1003 in French, Spanish, and Portuguese and numbered 2001 in all other foreign language subjects.
        • Students are strongly encouraged to take the third level of a foreign language as it is the minimum required for election to the prestigious honor society Phi Beta Kappa. (Taking the course does not guarantee admission but not taking it guarantees exclusion.)
        • See the College of Liberal Arts Policies section of this Bulletin for more information on the Foreign Language Placement, Regression in Coursework, and guidelines for students' other experiences with language.

General Electives are typically one-third of a student's program of study and can be focused on a second major, a minor, or towards some other personal enrichment or professional goals. See an academic advisor for assistance in developing an academic plan for these courses.

Major Requirements (minimum 44 credits; 40 credits in Psychology plus 4 credits in a designated science area)

Introductory Courses Required
PSY 1001Introduction to Psychology3
or PSY 1901 Honors: Introduction to Psychology
PSY 1002Careers in Psychology1
PSY 1003Statistics for Psychology3
PSY 1004Critical Thinking in Psychology3
Psychology Science Requirement
Select one of the following:4
Human Biology
General Biology I
General Biology II
Introduction to Organismal Biology
Introduction to Biomolecules, Cells and Genomes
General Botany
Introduction to Chemistry I
and Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory I
Introduction to Chemistry II
and Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory II
Applications of Chemistry
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry Laboratory I
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry Laboratory II
Physical Geology
Physical Geography
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Introduction to General Physics I
Developmental/Clinical/Social (DCS) Foundation Courses 1
Select two of the following:6
Foundations of Psychopathology
Foundations of Developmental Psychology
Foundations of Social Psychology
Foundations of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Foundations of Health Psychology
Brain and Cognitive Sciences (BCS) Foundation Courses 1
Select two of the following:6
Foundations of Cognitive Psychology
Foundations of Learning and Behavior Analysis
Foundations of Sensation and Perception
Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience
Foundations of Cognitive Neuroscience
Required Methods Course
PSY 3096Conducting Psychological Research3
Advanced Courses (3000-3620)
Select three of the following: 29
Evolutionary and Comparative Psychology
Advanced Undergraduate Statistics
Affective Neuroscience
Topics: Brain, Behavior and Cognition
Direct Applications of Behavioral Principles
The Science of Sleep
Topics: Clinical
Clinical Psychology: Research and Practice
Child Psychopathology and Treatment
Phases of Development: Infancy
Psychological Testing: Measuring IQ, Thoughts, Feelings, and Attitudes
Personality, Social and Emotional Development
Cognitive and Language Development
Neuroscience of Development and Aging
Social Cognition
Psychology of Power, Oppression, and Privilege
Personnel Psychology
Human Performance Improvement
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
Advanced Topics in Health Psychology
Social Health Psychology
Clinical Neuropsychology
Clinical Applications of Health Psychology
History and Systems of Psychology
Topics in Psychology
Forensic Psychology
Psychology Elective
One additional course at the Foundation Level or the Advanced Level (2000-3620).3
Capstone Course 3
Select one of the following:3-4
Capstone in Psychology
Honors Capstone
Total Credit Hours44-45

Foundation courses are prerequisites for the advanced (3000-level) areas.


Select three from any of the advanced courses (3000-3620) for which you have completed the prerequisite foundation course. These courses cover specialty areas within particular fields of psychology.

Note: PSY 3096 does not count toward the requirement.


Seniors only - minimum of 90 credits completed and completion of PSY 3096.

Individual Study Courses

Permission of the instructor is required to register for these courses. For all Psychology majors and minors.

PSY 4182
PSY 4282
Independent Study in Cognitive Neuroscience I
and Independent Study in Cognitive Neuroscience II
Select one of the following:1-4
Collaborative Research I
Collaborative Research II
Collaborative Research III
Collaborative Research IV
PSY 3785Psychology Internship3
PSY 3787Practicum3

Suggested Academic Plan

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Suggested Plan for New Students Starting in the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
FallCredit Hours
ENG 0802
Analytical Reading and Writing [GW]
or Analytical Reading and Writing: ESL [GW]
or Honors Analytical Reading and Writing [GW]
GenEd Quantitative Literacy Course [GQ] 4
Foreign Language 1001 - first level 4
GenEd Breadth Course 3
 Credit Hours15
IH 0851
Intellectual Heritage I: The Good Life [GY]
or Honors Intellectual Heritage I: The Good Life [GY]
Foreign Language 1002 - second level 4
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
PSY 1001
Introduction to Psychology
or Honors: Introduction to Psychology
 Credit Hours16
Year 2
IH 0852
Intellectual Heritage II: The Common Good [GZ]
or Honors Intellectual Heritage II: The Common Good [GZ]
GenEd Breadth Course 3
CLA/CST 0800-4999 Elective 3
PSY 1002 Careers in Psychology 1 1
PSY 1003 Statistics for Psychology 3
Select one of the following: 3
Foreign Language - third level
GenEd Global/World Society course
Internationally Focused Course From Approved List
 Credit Hours16
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
CLA/CST 2000+ Course 3
PSY 1004 Critical Thinking in Psychology 3
 Credit Hours15
Year 3
CLA/CST 2000+ Humanities/CST Course 3
One Psychology Science course from approved list 4
One Psychology 2000-level BCS Area Foundation Course 3
One Psychology 2000-level DCS Area Foundation Course 3
One Psychology 2000-level DCS or BCS Area Foundation Course 3
 Credit Hours16
CLA/CST 2000+ Humanities/CST Course 3
PSY 3096 Conducting Psychological Research [WI] 3
One Psychology 2000-level DCS or BCS Area Foundation Course 3
CLA/CST 0800-4999 Elective 3
CLA/CST 0800-4999 Elective 3
 Credit Hours15
Year 4
Psychology 3000-3620 - One Advanced Course 3
Psychology 3000-3620 - One Advanced Course 3
Psychology 2000-3620 - One Foundation or Advanced Course 3
CLA/CST 0800-4999 Elective 3
CLA/CST 2000+ Course 3
 Credit Hours15
Psychology 3000-3620 - One Advanced Course 3
CLA/CST 2000+ Course 3
One 0800-4999 Elective in Any School or College 3
One 0800-4999 Elective in Any School or College 3
Select one of the following: 3
Capstone in Psychology [WI]  
Honors Capstone [WI]  
 Credit Hours15
 Total Credit Hours123

PSY 1002 Careers in Psychology completes the CLA Professional Development requirement.

Accelerated Programs

Students may opt to pursue an accelerated +1 program, enabling them to complete both a bachelor's degree and master's degree in less time than the traditional route.

The following accelerated program may be of interest to students in the Psychology BA:

College of Liberal Arts