Requirement: One 3-credit hour course.

GenEd Global/World Society courses explore societies and cultures outside of the United States. These courses take one of two approaches. Some concentrate on a single nation or region, examining in depth its political, social, historical, cultural, artistic, literary, geographic, and/or economic landscape. Others investigate globalization and its effects across nations and regions.

Global/World Society courses are intended to teach students how to:

  • Understand the influences (e.g. political, social, historical, cultural, artistic, literary, geographic, economic) on world societies or processes (e.g. globalization) linking world societies;
  • Access and analyze materials related to world societies and cultures;
  • Develop observations and conclusions about selected themes in world societies and cultures;
  • Construct interpretations using evidence and critical analysis; and
  • Communicate and defend interpretations.

Global/World Society Courses

Below, you will find a list of GenEd courses in this area.

Please be advised that GenEd offerings vary from semester to semester and that all GenEd courses will not be offered every semester. For the most current list of GenEd offerings, please consult the Class Schedule.

In addition, a single GenEd course may be offered by more than one department. GenEd courses offered by more than one department will have the same course number and the same course title. A student may not take the same course from multiple departments and earn credit toward graduation. However, if a student wishes to replace their grade in a GenEd course, they may replace the grade with any course bearing the same course number and the same course title regardless of department.


The Global/World Society requirement may be waived if any of the following guidelines have been met:

  • a student enrolled at any Temple campus successfully completes (with a C- or better) credit-bearing coursework worth at least three semester hours in an approved summer or semester study abroad program with a minimum stay abroad of 28 days.
  • a student who has participated in a credit-bearing study abroad program with a minimum stay abroad of 28 days before matriculation to Temple provides a transcript with evidence of transferrable college-level credit (with a C- or better).
  • a student enrolled at Temple Japan successfully completes (with a C- or better) credit-bearing coursework worth at least three semester hours at a Temple U.S. campus with a minimum stay abroad of 28 days.
  • a student enrolled at any campus provides a transcript with an international study abroad experience in which at least three semester hours of coursework (with a C- or better) transferred to Temple.
  • a U.S. campus admit is a Foreign National student whose permanent residence at the point of admission is outside of U.S. boundaries.
  • a Japan campus admit is a Foreign National student whose permanent residence at the point of admission is outside of Japanese boundaries.
  • a Temple Rome Entry Year student enrolls at Temple Japan or a Temple U.S. campus after having successfully completed (with a C- or better) credit-bearing coursework at Temple Rome worth at least three semester hours with a minimum stay abroad of 28 days.
  • a student successfully completes (with a C- or better) the Latin American Studies Semester (LASS).

Consult an academic advisor for details.