Course information contained within the Bulletin is accurate at the time of publication in July 2024 but is subject to change. For the most up-to-date course information, please refer to the Course Catalog.

ACTV 1000. Special Topics in Fitness. 1 or 2 Credit Hour.

The Kinesiology Physical Activity Program (KPAP) Special Topics courses are designed to educate students on how to become, and stay, physically fit through proper fitness- and health-related practices. Student learning outcomes include learning, developing and demonstrating the components of health-related fitness skills, while participating in a safe and healthy environment. Course topics vary from one semester to another and may include topics such as: advanced yoga, bodyweight training, advanced Pilates, dance and suspension training. Please contact the KPAP Director for upcoming course offerings.

Repeatability: This course may be repeated for additional credit.

ACTV 1001. Introduction to Fitness. 1 Credit Hour.

Introduction to Fitness is designed to help students learn about the health-related fitness components of muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, aerobic capacity and body composition. Students will gain knowledge and develop skills needed to participate at a beginning level of fitness activity. Students will learn to set personal fitness goals and create their own fitness/physical activity plan. Students will be introduced to various forms of physical activity used in both group and/or individual settings. Students will also be introduced to equipment and instructed on proper usage. Fitness activities include weight training, aerobics, running, walking, etc. Students will apply these skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1002. Cardiovascular Fitness for a Healthy Lifestyle. 2 Credit Hours.

Cardiovascular Fitness for a Healthy Lifestyle is an introductory course focused on the promotion of health and fitness through physical activity. The course will develop and enhance students' knowledge and understanding of the scientific basis of the relationship between physical activity, health and fitness. Through activities designed for the development and maintenance of the circulatory and respiratory systems, students will learn how to develop and assess their own personal fitness and discover the benefits of fitness in combating cardiovascular risk factors and other chronic diseases. Students will apply these skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1003. Fitness for Life. 2 Credit Hours.

Fitness for Life introduces students to the principles related to the health-related components of physical fitness, aerobic capacity, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Students will learn to apply these principles to lifelong activities. Students will assess their current fitness level, develop an activity program commensurate with personal goals, and research current findings concerning exercise, fitness, and nutrition. Lifetime activities will be explored including weight training, individual sports, endurance sports and recreational activity. Physical and psychological preparation and values of the activity are included. Students will apply these skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1004. Walking/Jogging/Running. 2 Credit Hours.

Walking/Jogging/Running focuses on the physical, cognitive and social skills necessary to safely transport your body from one place to another, under your own muscle power. Students will learn about cardiovascular and respiratory endurance that can be enjoyed throughout a person's lifetime. Students will learn to create and use various strategies for aerobic fitness improvement, identifying proper techniques, training methods, appropriate stride, pace, rhythmic breathing, energy cost and muscle load. Other areas of emphasis include, but are not limited to environment, safety, equipment, perceived exertion, nutrition, weight management and record keeping. An optional activity may include one or two local jogging/running event(s).

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1006. Strength Training for Women. 2 Credit Hours.

Strength Training for Women is an introductory course of progressive resistance exercise. Students will learn the knowledge and skills needed to practice and apply weight training principles in sport, fitness and recreation. Muscular strength and muscular endurance will be studied, along with muscular structure and muscular function. Basic training techniques such as overload principle, specificity of training, progression and various types of exercise training programs are taught. Students will develop personal goals for a beginning weight training program and learn how to participate in and enjoy lifelong weight training activities. Students will also examine the psychological preparation and values related specifically to women that accompany weight training. Students will apply these skills in a safe, effective, and responsible manner where diversity, equity, and inclusion are supported.

Course Attributes: SI

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1007. Bodyweight Training. 2 Credit Hours.

Bodyweight Training is an introductory course in which students learn effective resistance exercises using their own body weight and simple items around the home environment. This course covers the basics of movement, concepts of muscular strength and endurance, and body composition. Various training techniques, calisthenics exercises, compound exercises, and body control are also taught. Students will learn how to apply these skills in a safe and responsible manner, develop personal goals for their own bodyweight training program, and gain experience incorporating muscular strengthening activities as a lifelong practice.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1008. Beginning Weight Training. 2 Credit Hours.

Beginning Weight Training is an introductory course involving progressive resistance exercise. Students will use both external weights and bodyweight while learning weight training principles for participation in sports, recreation, or to improve their general fitness. Muscular strength and muscular endurance will be studied, along with muscular structure and muscular function. Students will learn various training techniques, such as the overload principle, specificity of training, and progression. Students will examine the psychological preparation and values that accompany weight training. Students will apply these skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1009. Intermediate Weight Training. 2 Credit Hours.

Intermediate Weight Training builds upon the basic principles covered in Beginning Weight Training. Students will increase their knowledge and skills needed to improve individual weight training performance for sport, recreation and fitness. Advanced forms of muscular contraction, progressive overload, specificity of training, exercise intensity, and various types of exercise programs are taught. Students will also examine the components of psychological preparation and values that accompany the sports of weightlifting and powerlifting. Students will apply these skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

Pre-requisites: Minimum grade of C- in (KINS 1062, KINS 1106, ACTV 1006, or ACTV 1008)

ACTV 1011. ZUMBA from Around the World. 2 Credit Hours.

ZUMBA from Around the World combines fitness and cultural diversity in an easy-to-follow, interactive course that encompasses three components of culture - music, history and dance. Students will engage in activities that develop and improve muscular strength, aerobic capacity and flexibility, while advancing the practical knowledge and application of choreography, dance skills and physical health from a global perspective. Zumba introduces various cultural dances so that students will be able to understand how human movement influences cultural interaction, inform diversity and enhance physical activity. Additionally, the societal and psychological benefits of physical activity through aerobic fitness and dance will be investigated. Students will apply these activities and skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1013. Introduction to Yoga. 2 Credit Hours.

Introduction to Yoga develops whole-person health and fitness for the reduction of stress. Students are introduced to the basic principles of yoga and will learn and apply methods and knowledge to increase body awareness and self-understanding. Students will also practice fundamental skills and movements, along with critical thinking strategies that make yoga a safe, daily practice. Physical and psychological preparation and values of the activity are required to fully understand course material. Students will apply these skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1014. Intermediate Yoga. 2 Credit Hours.

Intermediate Yoga expands upon principles and postures covered in ACTV 1013 Introduction to Yoga. Intermediate Yoga provides students with more knowledge of yoga and offers more time to explore advanced movements. Students will learn the physiology and movements of yoga and apply them to individual practice. The ethics of yoga, history, principles in anatomy, motor development and biomechanics are expanded upon from Introduction to Yoga. Individual practice will include asana (posture), pranayama (breathing), and meditation led by the instructor and by fellow students.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

Pre-requisites: Minimum grade of C- in (ACTV 1013 or KINS 1064)

ACTV 1015. Yin Yoga: The Other Half of Yoga. 2 Credit Hours.

Yin Yoga is a complementary yoga practice to the more dynamic vinyasa (Yang) style that is predominant in today's western culture. In Yin Yoga, "the other half of yoga", students will learn to perform long-holds and supportive poses influencing the nervous system and deeper connective tissues. A deceptively simple practice, Yin Yoga transforms an asana (posture) into a deeper experience of meditation, reducing stress and anxiety. Students will learn to stretch and lengthen muscles and tissues, how to breathe through discomfort, fully relax, and find stillness. This course provides life-long usable techniques in the management of pain, caregiver fatigue, burnout, and chronic health conditions. This course will be a combination of yin yoga and vinyasa flow practices.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1017. Pilates-Yoga Fusion. 2 Credit Hours.

The Pilates-Yoga Fusion class combines the benefits and movements of Pilates and Yoga. Students will learn the various types of exercises based on the Pilates method that helps with muscle strengthening and conditioning. Combine this with the focus on mind-body movements of Yoga to improve posture, flexibility, balance and overall well-being and mindfulness. The class will begin with yoga stretches and body preparation, moving to the movements and exercises of Pilates and then end with further yoga skills to help with stress reduction and flexibility.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1018. Introduction to Pilates. 2 Credit Hours.

In Introduction to Pilates students will gain the basic knowledge and skills necessary to enhance their well-being and experience everyday health benefits. As a form of physical therapy, students will learn this holistic approach to well-being by improving balance, concentration, lowering stress, coordination, posture, core strength and flexibility. Students will learn to focus on the mind-body connection, helping the mind to maintain awareness of deep breathing and functional body movement. Students will develop and obtain the ability to apply these skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1022. Introduction to Martial Arts. 2 Credit Hours.

Introduction to Martial Arts is an entry level course for students interested in learning about the various martial arts, including, but not limited to, Karate, Aikido, Judo, Tai Chi, Jiu Jitsu, and Tae Kwon Do. This introductory course is designed to encourage students to continue practicing the martial arts disciplines for a lifetime. Students will be introduced to the foundational principles, history, techniques, ethics, and rules of martial arts. Martial arts training develops the physical and mental aspects of a person, and, upon completion of this course, students will be able to continue to advanced martial arts courses. Physical and psychological preparation and values of the activity are included.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1023. Martial Arts - Capoeira Angola (Brazilian Martial Arts). 2 Credit Hours.

Capoeira Angola can be described as a combination of art, dance, fight and game, incorporating corporal expression in diverse movements with music, instruments and song. It is a dialogue of bodies in motion, questions and answers through bodily improvisation to musical rhythms that are unique to its appearance. To gain an authentic understanding of Capoeira's philosophy and practice, students will engage in physical training and music instruction, while also discussing books, articles and films that illuminate the cultural legacy of Africa and Brazil. Students will immerse themselves in a living lineage of tradition, history and legendary masters. Special attention will be paid to the lineage of Mestre Pastinha, regarded by many as the guardian of Capoeira Angola.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1024. Beginning Tae Kwon Do. 2 Credit Hours.

Beginning Tae Kwon Do introduces students to the skills and knowledge for using the hands, arms, legs and feet to attack and defend oneself. Students will learn breathing and muscle control, competitive rules, the ranking system, safety, fitness, history, values, and etiquette. Tae Kwon Do is a Korean form of martial arts and is taught from a traditional perspective and supplemented by modern scientific principles. Students will learn how to apply physical and psychological preparation and values of participation in the activity. Students will apply these skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1025. Intermediate Tae Kwon Do. 2 Credit Hours.

Intermediate Tae Kwon Do advances the skills learned in Beginning Tae Kwon Do and applies them in two areas. First, students will learn how to design and teach a complete martial arts class that will focus the material in a manner easily understood by students while at the same time keeping students stimulated, interested, and challenged. Second, students will be able to design a training regimen for martial arts students interested in competing in Olympic-style sport martial arts. Physical and psychological preparation and values of participation in the activity are included. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

Pre-requisites: Minimum grade of C- in (ACTV 1024 or KINS 1052)

ACTV 1026. Beginning Aikido. 2 Credit Hours.

Beginning Aikido introduces students to the art of self-defense based on non-resistance, rather than strength. Aikido, "the way of harmony", is a unique art which can be practiced by people of all ages and levels of physical fitness. The study of Aikido techniques teaches smooth, balanced and coordinated movement in a non-competitive, cooperative atmosphere. Students strive with one another to refine their movements and further their understanding of Aikido principles. Physical and psychological preparation and values of the activity are included. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1027. Intermediate Aikido. 2 Credit Hours.

Intermediate Aikido advances the basic skills learned in beginning Aikido to include the use of weapons and the history and philosophy of self-defense. Aikido is both an excellent form of physical exercise and self-defense. The study of Aikido techniques teaches smooth, balanced, and coordinated movement in a non-competitive, cooperative atmosphere. The practice of Aikido combines the training of the mind, body, and spirit in a single, unified discipline. Physical and psychological preparation and values of the activity are included. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective, and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

Pre-requisites: Minimum grade of C- in (ACTV 1026 or KINS 1005)

ACTV 1028. Beginning Karate. 2 Credit Hours.

Beginning Karate introduces students to the principles and techniques of this weaponless self-defense of Karate. Students will learn the fundamentals of self-defense against multiple opponents while employing the basic kinesthetics of blocking, kicking and striking. Students will be introduced to the code of ethics, history and the rules of formal competition. Students will learn the significant fitness and mental benefits of lifelong karate training. Physical and psychological preparation and values of the activity are included. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1029. Intermediate Karate. 2 Credit Hours.

Intermediate Karate advances the basic skills learned in beginning karate. New striking and kicking techniques are introduced and more advanced kata (forms) are taught. Emphasis includes concentrating focus and power; pro per distancing in partner drills; moving, shifting, and pivoting the body; and combining techniques smoothly and powerfully. Physical and psychological preparation and values of the activity are included. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective, and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

Pre-requisites: Minimum grade of C- in (KINS 1026 or ACTV 1028)

ACTV 1031. Judo. 2 Credit Hours.

Judo introduces the principles and techniques of grappling, throwing, falling, groundwork, as well as the rules and customs of the sport. Students will develop fitness, confidence and discipline while learning the moral values of Judo. Students will learn to use their opponent's own strength to put them off balance, using minimum effort for maximum efficiency, to throw the opponent to the ground or mat and immobilize them with a pin. Physical conditioning and psychological preparation and values of the activity are included. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1033. Wrestling. 2 Credit Hours.

Wrestling introduces students to the knowledge and movement skills necessary to participate in scholastic (folkstyle) wrestling. Students will gain an overall understanding of the sport through demonstration and experiential learning. Various techniques, positions, and holds are discussed and practiced. Students will learn about wrestling styles, rules, strategies and best practices. Students will apply practice and skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1034. Introduction to Fencing. 2 Credit Hours.

Introduction to Fencing provides students with a basic understanding of the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary for fencing. Students learn fencing skills such as retreat, advance, lunge, parry and feint. Students will also practice defensive and offensive strategies, while learning proper care and selection of equipment, rules of the sport, and injury prevention. Physical and psychological preparation and values of the activity are included. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1035. Personal Defense for Women. 2 Credit Hours.

Personal Defense for Women introduces a five-stage approach to personal protection (awareness, avoidance, prevention, physical action and follow up). Physical defensive skills involve "live" simulations while focusing on the concerns and needs of women. Personal Defense for Women is based on the foundations of the R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense) system. Students will learn personal protection and safety skills which can be practiced within a comfortable learning environment. Physical and psychological preparation and values of the activity are included. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1039. Pickleball. 2 Credit Hours.

Pickleball is a fun paddle sport that combines the elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong. Pickleball may be played indoors or outdoors, as doubles or singles. Students will learn the skills, basic strategies, etiquette and rules of this exciting game. Pickleball is a simple game that is easy to learn, but can develop into a quick, fast-paced, competitive game for all players. How to select proper equipment, as well as finding opportunities for further participation in Pickleball will be addressed. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1041. Badminton. 2 Credit Hours.

This course introduces students to the skills, etiquette and rules of badminton. Students will learn how to develop appropriate strategies for both singles and doubles play. The sport will help students develop aerobic stamina, agility, strength and precision. Students will improve their fitness and the motor coordination necessary for recreational life-long play. Physical and psychological preparation and values of the activity are included. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1042. Beginning Tennis. 2 Credit Hours.

Beginning Tennis introduces students to the fundamental skills, strategies and etiquette of the sport of tennis. Students will become acquainted with a basic knowledge of the rules and will practice fundamental skills to become lifelong tennis participants. The emphasis of this course will be the development of movement skills and a progression from hitting to rallying. Physical and psychological preparation and values of the activity are included. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1043. Intermediate Tennis. 2 Credit Hours.

Intermediate Tennis builds upon the skills learned in Beginning Tennis by improving footwork, focusing on stroke refinement, consistent ball placement, improved shot execution, and developing advanced strategies. Knowledge of the rules and court positioning will be enhanced to assist the student as they perform on an advanced recreational level and for a lifetime. Physical and psychological preparation and values of the activity are included. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

Pre-requisites: Minimum grade of C- in (KINS 1054 or ACTV 1042)

ACTV 1044. Beginning Golf. 2 Credit Hours.

Beginning Golf introduces students to the skills, strategies, etiquette, rules and selection of proper equipment, as well as opportunities for participation in golf. This introductory course is designed with the intent of teaching students the basic skills necessary to walk onto a golf course and play a knowledgeable, competent and enjoyable round of golf. Physical and psychological preparation and values of the sport are included. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1045. Intermediate Golf. 2 Credit Hours.

The Intermediate Golf course advances the skills learned in Beginning Golf. Advanced strategies, etiquette, knowledge of the rules and proper equipment selection will be taught, including current technological advances in the sport. This course has been designed with the intent of assisting students with the advanced skills necessary to play a knowledgeable, competent and competitive round of golf on a local golf course or recreational tournament. Physical and psychological preparation and values of the sport are included. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

Pre-requisites: Minimum grade of C- in (KINS 1019 or ACTV 1044)

ACTV 1047. Gymnastics. 2 Credit Hours.

This introductory course will introduce students to the skills of floor exercise, tumbling, trampoline, and vaulting (for men and women); rings, horizontal bar, parallel bars, and side horse (for men); balance beam and uneven bars (for women). Students will gain the knowledge and skills needed to safely participate in beginning gymnastics. Students will be introduced to competition skill judging and gym equipment/apparatus. Physical and psychological preparation and values of the sport are included. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1048. Lifetime Indoor Games and Sports. 1 Credit Hour.

In Lifetime Indoor Games and Sports students are exposed to several indoor games and sports. Students will learn skills, rules and strategies needed to participate at beginning levels of selected lifetime indoor activities. Depending on the instructor, the indoor activities may include spikeball, floorball, futsal, dodgeball, net games and racquet sports. Historical and cultural influences will also be taught. Physical and psychological preparation and sportsmanship of the activity are included. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1049. Lifetime Outdoor Games and Sports. 1 Credit Hour.

In Lifetime Outdoor Games and Sports students are exposed to several outdoor games and sports. Students will learn skills, rules and strategies needed to participate at beginning levels of selected lifetime outdoor activities. Depending on the instructor, the outdoor activities may include bocce, disc golf, ultimate, softball, rugby and flag football. Historical and cultural influences will also be taught. Physical and psychological preparation and sportsmanship of the activity are included. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1051. Volleyball. 2 Credit Hours.

This course introduces students to the skills, etiquette and rules of volleyball. Volleyball can help students improve muscle strength in arms, shoulders and legs. Students will improve their hand-eye coordination, reflexes and balance necessary for recreational life-long play. As a non-contact and mixed gender sport, students will get to know other students, practice teamwork, improve communication and have fun. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1052. Soccer. 2 Credit Hours.

This course introduces students to the playing skills, strategies, history, etiquette and rules necessary for participation in soccer as a lifetime recreational sport. The course will utilize both indoor and outdoor playing/practice spaces. When indoors, the course will give attention to the international sport of Futsal, a game played on a hard-court emphasizing control, improvisation and technique. When on the outdoor field, emphasis will be on skills required for a traditional larger playing space. Physical, psychosocial factors and values of participation in the activity are included. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1053. Basketball. 2 Credit Hours.

Basketball introduces the skills, strategies, etiquette, knowledge of the rules, and how to prepare for opportunities for participation in basketball as a lifetime recreational sport. Physical and psychological preparation and values of participation in the activity are included. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1057. Adventure Climbing. 2 Credit Hours.

Adventure Climbing focuses on the physical, cognitive and social skills necessary to safely participate in climbing at ropes courses, rock climbing, aerial adventure parks and related settings. Students will learn safety and spotting techniques, selection of climbing equipment, knot tying, Prusik climbing, belaying and rappelling. Physical and psychological preparation and values of the activity are included. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1058. Outdoor Activities and Leadership Skills. 2 Credit Hours.

This outdoor leadership course will lead students to explore the outdoors safely, with good self-care practices, and engaging in the environmental principles put forth by Leave No Trace. Students will learn and apply leadership skills through outdoor activities, gain awareness and sensitivity to the environment, and expand their knowledge and understanding of environmental challenges. Students will focus on building self-confidence and leadership qualities through various experiential and collaborative learning activities. Activities and skills will include risk management in the outdoors, learning to facilitate a low ropes challenge course, problem solving activities and team building activities. The class will include two, half-day graded field labs to demonstrate these skills.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1059. Wilderness First Aid and Ethics. 2 Credit Hours.

Wilderness First Aid and Ethics is designed for the student to critically examine outdoor ethics and develop foundational skills in outdoor risk management. Students will be provided experiential first aid learning opportunities including patient assessment and care, evacuation standards, and lifesaving protocols. Students will apply outdoor ethics through the demonstrated practice of facilitating Leave No Trace principles and skills. This course meets international standards for emergency training and will provide the student with the optional opportunity to obtain a nationally accredited certification.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1061. Introduction to Backpacking and Camping. 2 Credit Hours.

The Introduction to Backpacking and Camping course focuses on the physical, cognitive and social skills necessary to safely participate and enjoy outdoor wilderness experiences as a lifelong activity. This introductory course acquaints the student with the concepts of Leave No Trace, all-weather and low impact backpacking and camping, the selection and care of equipment, expedition planning and behavior, outdoor navigation, cooking methods, engaging the environment, safety in the outdoors, and basic survival techniques. The course includes at least two (2) overnight campouts and one (1) day hike along with instructional and planning meetings on campus. Physical and psychological preparation and values of the activity is included. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Course Attributes: SF

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1063. Outdoor Activity Workshop. 1 Credit Hour.

The Outdoor Activity Workshop is designed to introduce students to basic outdoor knowledge and skills needed to participate in outdoor adventure activities. Students will engage in outdoor fitness activities such as day hiking, basic wilderness first aid practices, and basic survival skills. Students will also be introduced to the Leave No Trace principles, mindfulness in nature, various outdoor activities, and basic navigational skills. The Outdoor Activity Workshop will require students to participate in two weekend lab(s) off-campus to experience nature and to practice learned skills. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1068. Scuba Diving. 3 Credit Hours.

This course introduces the skills and knowledge necessary to develop into a comfortable, safe, and competent scuba diver. Students will learn to make capable independent decisions and will develop the ability to recognize and implement alternative solutions for coping with stressful problems. A basic water safety assessment will be conducted during the first week of class. Physical and psychological preparation and values of participation in the activity are included.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1071. Aqua Aerobics. 2 Credit Hours.

Aqua Aerobics deals with the theory and practice of aerobics using the water as the exercise environment. This course strives to be a balanced program of cardiovascular endurance, muscular conditioning and flexibility to promote general fitness. Exercises include all major muscle groups to ensure muscular balance and reduce the risk of injury. Students will also learn the principles of teaching/leading a recreational aqua aerobics class. A basic water safety assessment will be conducted during the first week of class. Physical and psychological preparation and values of participation in the activity are included. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1072. Beginning Swimming. 2 Credit Hours.

Beginning Swimming introduces students with little or no swimming experience to basic aquatic skills to assure confidence and mobility in aquatic environments. This is an introductory swimming class designed to teach the fundamentals of swimming. Learning basic techniques will reduce fear and improve ability. Topics to be covered include swimming safety, nutrition/hydration, injury prevention, and proper stroke technique. Students will apply cognitive aspects of basic water skills through practice drills in the water. A basic water safety assessment will be conducted during the first week of class, and skill progression is assessed every week. Psychological preparation for participation in the activity is included.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1073. Intermediate Swimming. 2 Credit Hours.

Intermediate Swimming introduces students to basic aquatic skills to assure confidence and mobility in aquatic activities as well as the further development of confidence in deep water. This course advances the skills learned in Beginning Swimming and focuses on stroke improvement and swimming endurance. This is an intermediate swimming class designed to build upon incumbent swimming abilities. Physical and psychological preparation and values of participation in the activity are included.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

Pre-requisites: Minimum grade of C in (KINS 1048 or ACTV 1072)

ACTV 1074. Advanced Swimming. 2 Credit Hours.

Advanced Swimming enhances the skills learned in Intermediate Swimming to assure confidence, further develop swimming techniques, and prepare the swimmer for advanced swimming activities, both recreationally and competitively (i.e., triathlon). This course is designed for the swimmer who wants to enhance skills learned previously and improve both stroke movement and swimming endurance. Physical and psychological preparation and values of participation in the activity are included.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

Pre-requisites: Minimum grade of C in (KINS 1049 or ACTV 1073)

ACTV 1075. Lifeguard Training. 3 Credit Hours.

The purpose of the Lifeguard Training course is to provide an entry-level lifeguard candidate with the knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatic emergencies. Students will also learn to provide appropriate care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries and sudden illnesses until emergency medical services personnel take over. To be considered for lifeguard certification, prerequisite skills, course expectations and successful completion of the Red Cross Screen Test must be achieved. Under the supervision of the Water Safety Instructor students will apply basic skills in a safe, effective, and responsible manner. The American Red Cross requires all students to pass a pre-course swimming skills test before official enrollment in the class.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1076. Water Safety Instructor. 3 Credit Hours.

The purpose of the American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor course is to train candidates for teaching and delivery of aquatic courses and presentations for American Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety programming. Instructor candidates will develop their understanding of how to use the course materials, conduct training sessions, and how to evaluate student's progress. Instructor candidates will learn to teach children and adults, and communities about the importance of water safety, survival, and importance of learning to swim as a lifesaving skill. The course is designed to allow for experiential and diverse learning experiences under the supervision of experienced Water Safety Instructors, while engaging in peer teachings, online simulation assignments, planning, and presentation opportunities. Emphasis is placed on applying the understanding of effective instruction through the development and application of developmentally appropriate lessons. Students will apply skills in a safe, effective and responsible manner. The American Red Cross requires all students to pass a pre-course swimming skills test before official enrollment in the class.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

ACTV 1077. Aquatics Workshop. 2 Credit Hours.

Aquatics Workshop is designed to enable students to develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to participate at a fundamental level of recreational aquatic activities such as skin diving/snorkeling, lap swimming, outdoor paddle sports, water polo, sprint tri swim, etc. This may involve traveling to an off-campus location for the activity. A basic water safety assessment will be conducted during the first week of class. Psychological preparation for participation in the activity is included. For details concerning the activity offered each semester, contact the KPAP Director. ACTV 1077 is offered as either a 7A or 7B course (runs for the first seven weeks of the semester and/or the last seven weeks of the semester).

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.