
Offered by the Department of Music Education and Music Therapy, the Bachelor of Music in Music Education focuses on developing music educators at the undergraduate level who will be ready for successful entry into the teaching profession.

Faculty recommendations for student teaching are not automatic. They must be earned by the student through demonstrated potential in the field, a 3.0 GPA, passing an approved Basic Skill Assessment, and passing Praxis exam II. Students not recommended for student teaching may be permitted to graduate after successful completion of additional coursework, but will not be recommended for Pennsylvania State Music Teacher Certification.

Upon successful completion of the four-year program of study, the five-year double major program of study, or the five-year program with Jazz Component, and upon achieving passing scores on the Praxis Series Assessments (Professional Assessments for Beginning Teachers), students qualify for Pennsylvania state certification for public school music teachers, K-12.

Students must select one of the following concentrations:

  • Bassoon
  • Cello
  • Clarinet
  • Classical Guitar
  • Double Bass
  • Euphonium
  • Flute
  • French Horn
  • Harp
  • Harpsichord
  • Oboe
  • Percussion
  • Piano
  • Saxophone
  • Trombone
  • Trumpet
  • Tuba
  • Viola
  • Violin
  • Voice

Special Admissions Requirements

See Music Admissions information on the Boyer College of Music and Dance page.

Campus Location: Main

Program Code: BC-MUED-BMUS

Contact Information

Alison M. Reynolds, Music Education and Music Therapy Department Chair

Michael Zanders, Coordinator of Undergraduate Music Therapy Program

Learn more about the Bachelor of Music in Music Education.

These requirements are for students who matriculated in academic year 2024-2025. Students who matriculated prior to fall 2024 should refer to the Archives to view the requirements for their Bulletin year.

Summary of Requirements

The Bachelor of Music in Music Education is conferred upon a student by recommendation of the faculty and upon the satisfactory completion of a minimum of 126-128 credits (depending on the concentration). This major requires a concentration; the available concentrations are Bassoon, Cello, Clarinet, Classical Guitar, Double Bass, Euphonium, Flute, French Horn, Harp, Harpsichord, Oboe, Percussion, Piano, Saxophone, Trombone, Trumpet, Tuba, Viola, Violin and Voice.

University Requirements

  • All students are required to complete the university's General Education (GenEd) curriculum.
  • All students must take a minimum of two writing-intensive courses. The specific writing-intensive courses for the major are MUED 2696 and MUST 3696.

Program Requirements (Cello, Classical Guitar, Double Bass, Harp, Viola, Violin)

General Education courses32
Music Theory
MUST 1711Theory I4
or MUST 1911 Honors Theory I
MUST 1712Theory II4
or MUST 1912 Honors Theory II
MUST 2711Theory III4
or MUST 2911 Honors Theory III
MUST 2712Theory IV4
or MUST 2912 Honors Theory IV
Music History
MUST 2703Music in History3
MUST 2704Music in History3
MUST 3696Music in History3
Music Education
MUED 1671Collaboration & Creativity in the New Music Community3
MUED 2665Music Learning & Development3
MUED 2696Teaching General Music to Inclusive Populations (TGMIP)3
MUED 3661Introduction to Teaching Students with Special Needs3
MUED 3662Keyboard Harmony - Music Education3
MUED 4666Assessment of Music Learning3
MUED 4667Teaching Instrumental Music to Inclusive Populations3
MUED 4668Senior Student Teaching Seminar3
MUED 4669Teaching Choral Music to Inclusive Populations3
MUED 4689Student Teaching-Elementary3
MUED 4789Student Teaching - Secondary3
Instrumental Concentration
MUSC 1501Instrumental Concentration2
MUSC 1502Instrumental Concentration2
MUSC 2501Instrumental Concentration2
MUSC 2502Instrumental Concentration2
MUSC 3501Instrumental Concentration2
MUSC 3502Instrumental Concentration2
Secondary Piano
MUSC 1405Secondary Piano for Music Majors1
MUSC 1406Secondary Piano for Music Majors1
MUSC 2405Secondary Piano for Music Majors1
MUSC 2406Secondary Piano for Music Majors1
Instrumental Pedagogy
Take any combination of the following seven courses for a total of 6 credits:6
Woodwinds I
Upper Strings
Lower Strings
Brass I
Brass II
Woodwinds II
Vocal Pedagogy
Select one of the following (MUED 2675 is recommended):2
School Choral Ensembles
Inclusive Vocal Development: Pre-Kindergarten - Secondary
Instrumental Conducting
MUSC 2323Basic Conducting1
MUSC 2324Conducting Intermediate1
MUSC 4324Conducting (Instrumental)2
Jazz Education
MUED 2673Jazz Education - Instrumental2
Take any combination of the following five courses for a total of 7 credits:7
Accompanying and Piano Ensemble
Accompanying and Piano Ensemble
Marching Band
Instrumental Ensemble
Instrumental Ensemble
Select one of the following:1
Choral Ensemble
Concert Choir
Graduate Conductors Choir
Total Credit Hours128

Program Requirements (Bassoon, Clarinet, Euphonium, Flute, French Horn, Harpsichord, Oboe, Percussion, Saxophone, Trombone, Trumpet, Tuba)

General Education courses32
Music Theory
MUST 1711Theory I4
or MUST 1911 Honors Theory I
MUST 1712Theory II4
or MUST 1912 Honors Theory II
MUST 2711Theory III4
or MUST 2911 Honors Theory III
MUST 2712Theory IV4
or MUST 2912 Honors Theory IV
Music History
MUST 2703Music in History3
MUST 2704Music in History3
MUST 3696Music in History3
Music Education
MUED 1671Collaboration & Creativity in the New Music Community3
MUED 2665Music Learning & Development3
MUED 2696Teaching General Music to Inclusive Populations (TGMIP)3
MUED 3661Introduction to Teaching Students with Special Needs3
MUED 3662Keyboard Harmony - Music Education3
MUED 4666Assessment of Music Learning3
MUED 4667Teaching Instrumental Music to Inclusive Populations3
MUED 4668Senior Student Teaching Seminar3
MUED 4669Teaching Choral Music to Inclusive Populations3
MUED 4689Student Teaching-Elementary3
MUED 4789Student Teaching - Secondary3
Instrumental Concentration
MUSC 1501Instrumental Concentration2
MUSC 1502Instrumental Concentration2
MUSC 2501Instrumental Concentration2
MUSC 2502Instrumental Concentration2
MUSC 3501Instrumental Concentration2
MUSC 3502Instrumental Concentration2
Secondary Piano
MUSC 1405Secondary Piano for Music Majors1
MUSC 1406Secondary Piano for Music Majors1
MUSC 2405Secondary Piano for Music Majors1
MUSC 2406Secondary Piano for Music Majors1
Instrumental Pedagogy
Take any combination of the following seven courses for a total of 6 credits:6
Woodwinds I
Upper Strings
Lower Strings
Brass I
Brass II
Woodwinds II
Vocal Pedagogy
Select one of the following (MUED 2675 is recommended):2
School Choral Ensembles
Inclusive Vocal Development: Pre-Kindergarten - Secondary
Instrumental Conducting
MUSC 2323Basic Conducting1
MUSC 2324Conducting Intermediate1
MUSC 4324Conducting (Instrumental)2
Jazz Education
MUED 2673Jazz Education - Instrumental2
MUSC 3510Marching Band1
Take any combination of the following four courses for a total of 6 credits:6
Marching Band
Instrumental Ensemble
Instrumental Ensemble
Select one of the following:1
Choral Ensemble
Concert Choir
Graduate Conductors Choir
Total Credit Hours128

Program Requirements (Piano Concentration with Band/Orchestra Emphasis) 

General Education courses32
Music Theory
MUST 1711Theory I4
or MUST 1911 Honors Theory I
MUST 1712Theory II4
or MUST 1912 Honors Theory II
MUST 2711Theory III4
or MUST 2911 Honors Theory III
MUST 2712Theory IV4
or MUST 2912 Honors Theory IV
Music History
MUST 2703Music in History3
MUST 2704Music in History3
MUST 3696Music in History3
Music Education
MUED 1671Collaboration & Creativity in the New Music Community3
MUED 2665Music Learning & Development3
MUED 2696Teaching General Music to Inclusive Populations (TGMIP)3
MUED 3661Introduction to Teaching Students with Special Needs3
MUED 3662Keyboard Harmony - Music Education3
MUED 4666Assessment of Music Learning3
MUED 4667Teaching Instrumental Music to Inclusive Populations3
MUED 4668Senior Student Teaching Seminar3
MUED 4669Teaching Choral Music to Inclusive Populations3
MUED 4689Student Teaching-Elementary3
MUED 4789Student Teaching - Secondary3
Piano Concentration
MUSC 1401Piano Concentration2
MUSC 1402Piano Concentration2
MUSC 2401Piano Concentration2
MUSC 2402Piano Concentration2
MUSC 3401Piano Concentration2
MUSC 3402Piano Concentration2
Instrumental Pedagogy
Take any combination of the following seven courses for a total of 6 credits:6
Woodwinds I
Upper Strings
Lower Strings
Brass I
Brass II
Woodwinds II
Vocal Pedagogy
MUED 2671School Choral Ensembles2
MUED 2675Inclusive Vocal Development: Pre-Kindergarten - Secondary2
Choral Conducting
MUSC 2323Basic Conducting1
MUSC 2324Conducting Intermediate1
MUSC 4323Conducting (Choral)2
Jazz Education
MUED 2674Jazz Education - Vocal2
MUSC 1428Accompanying and Piano Ensemble1
MUSC 1429Accompanying and Piano Ensemble1
Take any combination of the following three courses for a total of 4 credits:4
Choral Ensemble
Concert Choir
Graduate Conductors Choir
Take any combination of the following three courses for a total of 2 credits:2
Instrumental Ensemble
Instrumental Ensemble
Total Credit Hours126

Program Requirements (Piano Concentration with Choral/General Emphasis)

General Education courses32
Music Theory
MUST 1711Theory I4
or MUST 1911 Honors Theory I
MUST 1712Theory II4
or MUST 1912 Honors Theory II
MUST 2711Theory III4
or MUST 2911 Honors Theory III
MUST 2712Theory IV4
or MUST 2912 Honors Theory IV
Music History
MUST 2703Music in History3
MUST 2704Music in History3
MUST 3696Music in History3
Music Education
MUED 1671Collaboration & Creativity in the New Music Community3
MUED 2665Music Learning & Development3
MUED 2696Teaching General Music to Inclusive Populations (TGMIP)3
MUED 3661Introduction to Teaching Students with Special Needs3
MUED 3662Keyboard Harmony - Music Education3
MUED 4666Assessment of Music Learning3
MUED 4667Teaching Instrumental Music to Inclusive Populations3
MUED 4668Senior Student Teaching Seminar3
MUED 4669Teaching Choral Music to Inclusive Populations3
MUED 4689Student Teaching-Elementary3
MUED 4789Student Teaching - Secondary3
Piano Concentration
MUSC 1401Piano Concentration2
MUSC 1402Piano Concentration2
MUSC 2401Piano Concentration2
MUSC 2402Piano Concentration2
MUSC 3401Piano Concentration2
MUSC 3402Piano Concentration2
Instrumental Pedagogy
Take any combination of the following seven courses for a total of 6 credits:6
Woodwinds I
Upper Strings
Lower Strings
Brass I
Brass II
Woodwinds II
Vocal Pedagogy
MUED 2671School Choral Ensembles2
MUED 2675Inclusive Vocal Development: Pre-Kindergarten - Secondary2
Choral Conducting
MUSC 2323Basic Conducting1
MUSC 2324Conducting Intermediate1
MUSC 4323Conducting (Choral)2
Jazz Education
MUED 2674Jazz Education - Vocal2
MUSC 1225English Diction1
MUSC 1428Accompanying and Piano Ensemble1
MUSC 1429Accompanying and Piano Ensemble1
Take any combination of the following three courses for a total of 6 credits:6
Choral Ensemble
Concert Choir
Graduate Conductors Choir
Total Credit Hours127

Program Requirements (Voice Concentration)

General Education courses32
Music Theory
MUST 1711Theory I4
or MUST 1911 Honors Theory I
MUST 1712Theory II4
or MUST 1912 Honors Theory II
MUST 2711Theory III4
or MUST 2911 Honors Theory III
MUST 2712Theory IV4
or MUST 2912 Honors Theory IV
Music History
MUST 2703Music in History3
MUST 2704Music in History3
MUST 3696Music in History3
Music Education
MUED 1671Collaboration & Creativity in the New Music Community3
MUED 2665Music Learning & Development3
MUED 2696Teaching General Music to Inclusive Populations (TGMIP)3
MUED 3661Introduction to Teaching Students with Special Needs3
MUED 3662Keyboard Harmony - Music Education3
MUED 4666Assessment of Music Learning3
MUED 4667Teaching Instrumental Music to Inclusive Populations3
MUED 4668Senior Student Teaching Seminar3
MUED 4669Teaching Choral Music to Inclusive Populations3
MUED 4689Student Teaching-Elementary3
MUED 4789Student Teaching - Secondary3
Voice Concentration
MUSC 1201Voice Concentration2
MUSC 1202Voice Concentration2
MUSC 2201Voice Concentration2
MUSC 2202Voice Concentration2
MUSC 3201Voice Concentration2
MUSC 3202Voice Concentration2
Secondary Piano
MUSC 1405Secondary Piano for Music Majors1
MUSC 1406Secondary Piano for Music Majors1
MUSC 2405Secondary Piano for Music Majors1
MUSC 2406Secondary Piano for Music Majors1
Instrumental Pedagogy
Take any combination of the following seven courses for a total of 4 credits:4
Woodwinds I
Upper Strings
Lower Strings
Brass I
Brass II
Woodwinds II
Vocal Pedagogy
MUED 2671School Choral Ensembles2
MUED 2675Inclusive Vocal Development: Pre-Kindergarten - Secondary2
Choral Conducting
MUSC 2323Basic Conducting1
MUSC 2324Conducting Intermediate1
MUSC 4323Conducting (Choral)2
Jazz Education
MUED 2674Jazz Education - Vocal2
MUSC 1225English Diction1
Take any combination of the following three courses for a total of 7 credits:7
Choral Ensemble
Concert Choir
Graduate Conductors Choir
Total Credit Hours128

Suggested Academic Plans

The Bachelor of Music in Music Education consists of several concentrations. The academic plans for those concentrations follow.

Bachelor of Music in Music Education with Instrumental Concentrations

Suggested Plan for New Students Starting in the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
FallCredit Hours
MUSC 1501 Instrumental Concentration 2
Select one of the following Ensembles: 1 1
Accompanying and Piano Ensemble  
Accompanying and Piano Ensemble  
Marching Band  
Instrumental Ensemble  
Instrumental Ensemble  
MUST 1711
Theory I
or Honors Theory I
MUSC 1405 Secondary Piano for Music Majors 1
Select two of the following Instrumental Pedagogy courses: 2
Woodwinds I  
Upper Strings  
Lower Strings  
Brass I  
Brass II  
Woodwinds II  
MUED 4666 Assessment of Music Learning 3
GenEd Quantitative Literacy GQ 4
 Credit Hours17
MUSC 1502 Instrumental Concentration 2
Select one of the following Ensembles: 1 1
Accompanying and Piano Ensemble  
Accompanying and Piano Ensemble  
Marching Band  
Instrumental Ensemble  
Instrumental Ensemble  
MUSC 1406 Secondary Piano for Music Majors 1
MUST 1712
Theory II
or Honors Theory II
Select two of the following Instrumental Pedagogy courses, but do not select the same courses taken in year 1 fall: 2
Woodwinds I  
Upper Strings  
Lower Strings  
Brass I  
Brass II  
Woodwinds II  
MUED 3661 Introduction to Teaching Students with Special Needs 3
ENG 0802
Analytical Reading and Writing [GW]
or Analytical Reading and Writing: ESL [GW]
or Honors Analytical Reading and Writing [GW]
 Credit Hours17
Year 2
MUSC 2501 Instrumental Concentration 2
Select one of the following Ensembles: 1 1
Accompanying and Piano Ensemble  
Accompanying and Piano Ensemble  
Marching Band  
Instrumental Ensemble  
Instrumental Ensemble  
MUSC 2405 Secondary Piano for Music Majors 1
MUST 2711
Theory III
or Honors Theory III
MUSC 2323 Basic Conducting 1
Select two of the following Instrumental Pedagogy courses, but do not select the same courses taken in year 1: 2
Woodwinds I  
Upper Strings  
Lower Strings  
Brass I  
Brass II  
Woodwinds II  
MUST 2703 Music in History 3
IH 0851
Intellectual Heritage I: The Good Life [GY]
or Honors Intellectual Heritage I: The Good Life [GY]
 Credit Hours17
MUSC 2502 Instrumental Concentration 2
Select one of the following Ensembles: 1 1
Accompanying and Piano Ensemble  
Accompanying and Piano Ensemble  
Marching Band  
Instrumental Ensemble  
Instrumental Ensemble  
MUST 2712
Theory IV
or Honors Theory IV
MUST 2704 Music in History 3
MUSC 2324 Conducting Intermediate 1
MUED 2665 Music Learning & Development 3
IH 0852
Intellectual Heritage II: The Common Good [GZ]
or Honors Intellectual Heritage II: The Common Good [GZ]
 Credit Hours17
Year 3
MUSC 3501 Instrumental Concentration 2
Select one of the following Ensembles: 1 1
Accompanying and Piano Ensemble  
Accompanying and Piano Ensemble  
Marching Band  
Instrumental Ensemble  
Instrumental Ensemble  
Select one of the following Vocal Pedagogy courses: 2
Inclusive Vocal Development: Pre-Kindergarten - Secondary (recommended)  
School Choral Ensembles  
MUSC 2406 Secondary Piano for Music Majors 1
MUSC 4324 Conducting (Instrumental) 2
MUED 2696 Teaching General Music to Inclusive Populations (TGMIP) [WI] 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
 Credit Hours17
MUSC 3502 Instrumental Concentration 2
Select one of the following Ensembles: 1 1
Accompanying and Piano Ensemble  
Accompanying and Piano Ensemble  
Marching Band  
Instrumental Ensemble  
Instrumental Ensemble  
MUST 3696 Music in History [WI] 3
MUED 3662 Keyboard Harmony - Music Education 3
MUED 2673 Jazz Education - Instrumental 2
MUED 4667 Teaching Instrumental Music to Inclusive Populations 3
MUED 1671 Collaboration & Creativity in the New Music Community 3
 Credit Hours17
Year 4
Select one of the following Ensembles: 1 1
Accompanying and Piano Ensemble  
Accompanying and Piano Ensemble  
Marching Band  
Instrumental Ensemble  
Instrumental Ensemble  
Select one of the following: 1
Choral Ensemble  
Concert Choir  
Graduate Conductors Choir  
MUED 4669 Teaching Choral Music to Inclusive Populations 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
 Credit Hours17
MUED 4668 Senior Student Teaching Seminar 3
MUED 4689 Student Teaching-Elementary 3
MUED 4789 Student Teaching - Secondary 3
 Credit Hours9
 Total Credit Hours128

One semester of MUSC 3510 Marching Band is required for students whose principal instruments are woodwinds, brass, and percussion. Normally this requirement is fulfilled in the fall semester of freshman year. Although the requirement is only one semester, students may register for Marching Band as often as they would like.

Bachelor of Music in Music Education with a Concentration in Piano - Band/Orchestra Emphasis

Suggested Plan for New Students Starting in the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
FallCredit Hours
MUSC 1401 Piano Concentration 2
Select one of the following: 1 1
Choral Ensemble  
Concert Choir  
Graduate Conductors Choir  
MUST 1711
Theory I
or Honors Theory I
MUED 2671 School Choral Ensembles 2
Select one of the following Instrumental Pedagogy courses: 1
Woodwinds I  
Upper Strings  
Lower Strings  
Brass I  
Brass II  
Woodwinds II  
MUED 4666 Assessment of Music Learning 3
GenEd Quantitative Literacy Course GQ 4
 Credit Hours17
MUSC 1402 Piano Concentration 2
Select one of the following: 1 1
Choral Ensemble  
Concert Choir  
Graduate Conductors Choir  
MUST 1712
Theory II
or Honors Theory II
MUED 2675 Inclusive Vocal Development: Pre-Kindergarten - Secondary 2
Select one of the following Instrumental Pedagogy courses, but do not select the same course taken in year 1 fall: 1
Woodwinds I  
Upper Strings  
Lower Strings  
Brass I  
Brass II  
Woodwinds II  
MUED 3661 Introduction to Teaching Students with Special Needs 3
ENG 0802
Analytical Reading and Writing [GW]
or Analytical Reading and Writing: ESL [GW]
or Honors Analytical Reading and Writing [GW]
 Credit Hours17
Year 2
MUSC 2401 Piano Concentration 2
Select one of the following: 1 1
Choral Ensemble  
Concert Choir  
Graduate Conductors Choir  
MUST 2711
Theory III
or Honors Theory III
MUST 2703 Music in History 3
MUSC 2323 Basic Conducting 1
Select two of the following Instrumental Pedagogy courses, but do not select the same courses taken in year 1: 2
Woodwinds I  
Upper Strings  
Lower Strings  
Brass I  
Brass II  
Woodwinds II  
MUSC 1428 Accompanying and Piano Ensemble 1 1
IH 0851
Intellectual Heritage I: The Good Life [GY]
or Honors Intellectual Heritage I: The Good Life [GY]
 Credit Hours17
MUSC 2402 Piano Concentration 2
MUSC 1429 Accompanying and Piano Ensemble 1 1
MUSC 2324 Conducting Intermediate 1
MUST 2712
Theory IV
or Honors Theory IV
MUST 2704 Music in History 3
MUED 2665 Music Learning & Development 3
IH 0852
Intellectual Heritage II: The Common Good [GZ]
or Honors Intellectual Heritage II: The Common Good [GZ]
 Credit Hours17
Year 3
MUSC 3401 Piano Concentration 2
Select one of the following: 1 1
Choral Ensemble  
Concert Choir  
Graduate Conductors Choir  
MUSC 4323 Conducting (Choral) 2
MUED 2696 Teaching General Music to Inclusive Populations (TGMIP) [WI] 3
MUED 4669 Teaching Choral Music to Inclusive Populations 3
MUED 3662 Keyboard Harmony - Music Education 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
 Credit Hours17
MUSC 3402 Piano Concentration 2
Select one of the following Ensembles: 1 1
Instrumental Ensemble  
Instrumental Ensemble  
MUST 3696 Music in History [WI] 3
Select two of the following Instrumental Pedagogy courses, but do not select the same courses taken in previous semesters: 2
Woodwinds I  
Upper Strings  
Lower Strings  
Brass I  
Brass II  
Woodwinds II  
MUED 4667 Teaching Instrumental Music to Inclusive Populations 3
MUED 1671 Collaboration & Creativity in the New Music Community 3
MUED 2674 Jazz Education - Vocal 2
 Credit Hours16
Year 4
Select one of the following Ensembles: 1 1
Instrumental Ensemble  
Instrumental Ensemble  
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
 Credit Hours16
MUED 4668 Senior Student Teaching Seminar 3
MUED 4689 Student Teaching-Elementary 3
MUED 4789 Student Teaching - Secondary 3
 Credit Hours9
 Total Credit Hours126

Seven semesters of ensemble participation are required for a total of 8 credit hours in the Piano Concentration, Band/Orchestra Emphasis: 4 credit hours of Choral Ensembles; 2 credit hours of Instrumental Ensembles; and 2 credit hours of Piano/Accompanying Ensembles.

Bachelor of Music in Music Education with a Concentration in Piano - Choral/General Emphasis

Suggested Plan for New Students Starting in the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
FallCredit Hours
MUSC 1401 Piano Concentration 2
Select one of the following: 1 1
Choral Ensemble  
Concert Choir  
Graduate Conductors Choir  
MUST 1711
Theory I
or Honors Theory I
MUED 2671 School Choral Ensembles 2
Select one of the following Instrumental Pedagogy courses: 1
Woodwinds I  
Upper Strings  
Lower Strings  
Brass I  
Brass II  
Woodwinds II  
MUED 4666 Assessment of Music Learning 3
GenEd Quantitative Literacy Course GQ 4
 Credit Hours17
MUSC 1402 Piano Concentration 2
Select one of the following: 1 1
Choral Ensemble  
Concert Choir  
Graduate Conductors Choir  
MUST 1712
Theory II
or Honors Theory II
MUED 2675 Inclusive Vocal Development: Pre-Kindergarten - Secondary 2
Select one of the following Instrumental Pedagogy courses, but do not select the same course taken in year 1 fall: 1
Woodwinds I  
Upper Strings  
Lower Strings  
Brass I  
Brass II  
Woodwinds II  
MUED 3661 Introduction to Teaching Students with Special Needs 3
ENG 0802
Analytical Reading and Writing [GW]
or Analytical Reading and Writing: ESL [GW]
or Honors Analytical Reading and Writing [GW]
 Credit Hours17
Year 2
MUSC 2401 Piano Concentration 2
Select one of the following: 1 1
Choral Ensemble  
Concert Choir  
Graduate Conductors Choir  
MUST 2711
Theory III
or Honors Theory III
MUST 2703 Music in History 3
MUSC 2323 Basic Conducting 1
Select two of the following Instrumental Pedagogy courses, but do not select the same courses taken in year 1: 2
Woodwinds I  
Upper Strings  
Lower Strings  
Brass I  
Brass II  
Woodwinds II  
MUSC 1428 Accompanying and Piano Ensemble 1 1
IH 0851
Intellectual Heritage I: The Good Life [GY]
or Honors Intellectual Heritage I: The Good Life [GY]
 Credit Hours17
MUSC 2402 Piano Concentration 2
MUSC 1429 Accompanying and Piano Ensemble 1 1
MUSC 2324 Conducting Intermediate 1
MUST 2712
Theory IV
or Honors Theory IV
MUST 2704 Music in History 3
MUED 2665 Music Learning & Development 3
IH 0852
Intellectual Heritage II: The Common Good [GZ]
or Honors Intellectual Heritage II: The Common Good [GZ]
 Credit Hours17
Year 3
MUSC 3401 Piano Concentration 2
Select one of the following: 1 1
Choral Ensemble  
Concert Choir  
Graduate Conductors Choir  
MUSC 4323 Conducting (Choral) 2
MUED 2696 Teaching General Music to Inclusive Populations (TGMIP) [WI] 3
MUED 4669 Teaching Choral Music to Inclusive Populations 3
MUED 2674 Jazz Education - Vocal 2
Select one of the following Instrumental Pedagogy courses, but do not select the same courses taken in previous semesters: 1
Woodwinds I  
Upper Strings  
Lower Strings  
Brass I  
Brass II  
Woodwinds II  
MUED 3662 Keyboard Harmony - Music Education 3
 Credit Hours17
MUSC 3402 Piano Concentration 2
Select one of the following: 1 1
Choral Ensemble  
Concert Choir  
Graduate Conductors Choir  
MUST 3696 Music in History [WI] 3
Select one of the following Instrumental Pedagogy courses, but do not select the same courses taken in previous semesters: 1
Woodwinds I  
Upper Strings  
Lower Strings  
Brass I  
Brass II  
Woodwinds II  
MUED 4667 Teaching Instrumental Music to Inclusive Populations 3
MUED 1671 Collaboration & Creativity in the New Music Community 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
 Credit Hours16
Year 4
Select one of the following: 1 1
Choral Ensemble  
Concert Choir  
Graduate Conductors Choir  
MUSC 1225 English Diction 1
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
 Credit Hours17
MUED 4668 Senior Student Teaching Seminar 3
MUED 4689 Student Teaching-Elementary 3
MUED 4789 Student Teaching - Secondary 3
 Credit Hours9
 Total Credit Hours127

Seven semesters of ensemble participation are required for a total of 8 credit hours in the Piano Concentration, Choral/General Emphasis: 6 credit hours of Choral Ensembles and 2 credit hours of Piano/Accompanying Ensembles.

Bachelor of Music in Music Education with a Concentration in Voice

Suggested Plan for New Students Starting in the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
FallCredit Hours
MUSC 1201 Voice Concentration 2
Select one of the following: 1
Choral Ensemble  
Concert Choir  
Graduate Conductors Choir  
MUSC 1405 Secondary Piano for Music Majors 1
MUST 1711
Theory I
or Honors Theory I
Select one of the following Instrumental Pedagogy courses: 1
Woodwinds I  
Upper Strings  
Lower Strings  
Brass I  
Brass II  
Woodwinds II  
MUSC 1225 English Diction 1
MUED 4666 Assessment of Music Learning 3
GenEd Quantitative Literacy Course GQ 4
 Credit Hours17
MUSC 1202 Voice Concentration 2
Select one of the following: 1
Choral Ensemble  
Concert Choir  
Graduate Conductors Choir  
MUSC 1406 Secondary Piano for Music Majors 1
MUST 1712
Theory II
or Honors Theory II
MUED 2671 School Choral Ensembles 2
MUED 3661 Introduction to Teaching Students with Special Needs 3
ENG 0802
Analytical Reading and Writing [GW]
or Analytical Reading and Writing: ESL [GW]
or Honors Analytical Reading and Writing [GW]
 Credit Hours17
Year 2
MUSC 2201 Voice Concentration 2
Select one of the following: 1
Choral Ensemble  
Concert Choir  
Graduate Conductors Choir  
MUSC 2405 Secondary Piano for Music Majors 1
MUST 2711
Theory III
or Honors Theory III
MUST 2703 Music in History 3
MUSC 2323 Basic Conducting 1
Select two of the following Instrumental Pedagogy courses, but do not select the same course taken in year 1: 2
Woodwinds I  
Upper Strings  
Lower Strings  
Brass I  
Brass II  
Woodwinds II  
IH 0851
Intellectual Heritage I: The Good Life [GY]
or Honors Intellectual Heritage I: The Good Life [GY]
 Credit Hours17
MUSC 2202 Voice Concentration 2
Select one of the following: 1
Choral Ensemble  
Concert Choir  
Graduate Conductors Choir  
MUST 2704 Music in History 3
MUST 2712
Theory IV
or Honors Theory IV
MUSC 2324 Conducting Intermediate 1
MUED 2665 Music Learning & Development 3
IH 0852
Intellectual Heritage II: The Common Good [GZ]
or Honors Intellectual Heritage II: The Common Good [GZ]
 Credit Hours17
Year 3
MUSC 3201 Voice Concentration 2
Select one of the following: 1
Choral Ensemble  
Concert Choir  
Graduate Conductors Choir  
MUSC 4323 Conducting (Choral) 2
MUSC 2406 Secondary Piano for Music Majors 1
MUED 2696 Teaching General Music to Inclusive Populations (TGMIP) [WI] 3
MUED 2674 Jazz Education - Vocal 2
MUED 4669 Teaching Choral Music to Inclusive Populations 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
 Credit Hours17
MUSC 3202 Voice Concentration 2
MUST 3696 Music in History [WI] 3
Select one of the following: 1
Choral Ensemble  
Concert Choir  
Graduate Conductors Choir  
MUED 2675 Inclusive Vocal Development: Pre-Kindergarten - Secondary 2
MUED 3662 Keyboard Harmony - Music Education 3
MUED 4667 Teaching Instrumental Music to Inclusive Populations 3
MUED 1671 Collaboration & Creativity in the New Music Community 3
 Credit Hours17
Year 4
Select one of the following: 1
Choral Ensemble  
Concert Choir  
Graduate Conductors Choir  
Select one of the following Instrumental Pedagogy courses, but do not select the same course taken in previous semesters: 1
Woodwinds I  
Upper Strings  
Lower Strings  
Brass I  
Brass II  
Woodwinds II  
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
 Credit Hours17
MUED 4668 Senior Student Teaching Seminar 3
MUED 4689 Student Teaching-Elementary 3
MUED 4789 Student Teaching - Secondary 3
 Credit Hours9
 Total Credit Hours128