
The Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering is offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering. This program provides an excellent educational experience for the students. This experience includes an emphasis on the technical, communication and teamwork skills that graduate engineers need to succeed in both the workplace and society in general. In order to achieve these goals, the department places great importance on teaching, research, scholarship, engineering practice and service to the university community and the Engineering profession. The mechanical engineering program is structured to prepare the graduate for the professional practice of engineering and/or graduate school. The curriculum emphasizes a rigorous treatment of the mathematical and scientific approach to the solution of engineering problems. It provides a coherent set of courses in energy conversion and structures/motion in mechanical systems. The program has design across the curriculum and is capped with an integrated design experience in the form of a senior project.

Mechanical Engineering students may complete an optional concentration in Cooperative Education Program (Co-Op).

Campus Location: Main

Program Code: EN-ME-BSME


The Mechanical Engineering (BS) program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, https://www.abet.org, under the General Criteria and Program Criteria for Mechanical and Similarly Named Engineering Programs. ABET is a non-profit and non-governmental accrediting agency for academic programs in the disciplines of applied science, computing, engineering, and engineering technology recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

+1 Bachelor to Master's Accelerated Degree Program

High-achieving undergraduates can earn both a bachelor's degree and a master's degree within five years. Students apply for this program in sophomore year, and four graduate-level courses are taken in place of undergraduate requirements during junior and senior years. After the bachelor's degree is earned, one graduate-level course is taken in the summer followed by full-time study in the subsequent Fall and Spring semesters to complete the master's degree study. The following accelerated program is available:

Contact Information

Kurosh Darvish, PhD, Chair
Engineering Building, Room 612

Vallorie Peridier, PhD, Undergraduate Coordinator
Engineering Building, Room 607A

Learn more about the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.

These requirements are for students who matriculated in academic year 2024-2025. Students who matriculated prior to fall 2024 should refer to the Archives to view the requirements for their Bulletin year.

Summary of Requirements

University Requirements

All new students are required to complete the university's General Education (GenEd) curriculum.

All Temple students must take a minimum of two writing-intensive courses for a total of at least six credits. The writing-intensive course credits are counted as part of the major; they are not General Education (GenEd) or elective credits. The writing-intensive courses must be completed at Temple University and students may not transfer in credits to satisfy this requirement. The specific writing-intensive courses required for this major are: 

ENGR 2196Technical Communication3
or ENGR 2996 Honors Technical Communication
ENGR 4296Capstone Senior Design Project3
or ENGR 4996 Honors Capstone Senior Design Project

Department Requirements

Required Math & Basic Science Courses
MATH 1041Calculus I4
or MATH 1941 Honors Calculus I
MATH 1042Calculus II4
or MATH 1942 Honors Calculus II
MATH 2043Calculus III4
or MATH 2943 Honors Calculus III
MATH 2041Differential Equations I3
or MATH 2941 Honors Differential Equations I
MEE 3011Analysis and Computation of Linear Systems in Mechanical Engineering3
PHYS 1061Elementary Classical Physics I4
or PHYS 1961 Honors Elementary Classical Physics I
PHYS 1062Elementary Classical Physics II4
or PHYS 1962 Honors Elementary Classical Physics II
CHEM 1035Chemistry for Engineers3
or CHEM 1031 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1033General Chemistry Laboratory I1
or CHEM 1953 Honors Chemical Science Laboratory I
Required General Education Courses
Select one of the following:4
Analytical Reading and Writing
Analytical Reading and Writing: ESL
Honors Analytical Reading and Writing
IH 0851Intellectual Heritage I: The Good Life3
or IH 0951 Honors Intellectual Heritage I: The Good Life
IH 0852Intellectual Heritage II: The Common Good3
or IH 0952 Honors Intellectual Heritage II: The Common Good
GenEd 08xx or 09xx (U.S. Society)3
GenEd 08xx or 09xx (Global/World Society)3
GenEd 08xx or 09xx (Human Behavior)3
GenEd 08xx or 09xx (The Arts)3
GenEd 08xx or 09xx (Race and Diversity)3
Required Mechanical Engineering Courses
MEE 1117Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Design2
MEE 1305Machine Shop Laboratory1
MEE 2305Instrumentation and Data Acquisition Lab1
MEE 3117Computer-Aided Mechanical Design3
MEE 3301Machine Theory and Design3
MEE 3305Materials Laboratory1
MEE 3506Fluid Mechanics Laboratory1
MEE 4177Design and Realization of a Mechanical System2
MEE 4572Heat and Mass Transfer3
Select one of the following:4
Mechanical Vibrations
and Vibrations Laboratory 1
Advanced Thermodynamics and Combustion
and Energy Conversion Laboratory 1
Mechanical Engineering Technical Electives 9
Required Engineering Courses
ECE 2112Electrical Devices & Systems I3
ECE 2113Electrical Devices & Systems I Lab1
ENGR 1101Introduction to Engineering and Engineering Technology3
or ENGR 1901 Honors Introduction to Engineering
ENGR 1102Introduction to Engineering Problem Solving3
ENGR 2196Technical Communication3
or ENGR 2996 Honors Technical Communication
ENGR 2331Engineering Statics3
or ENGR 2931 Honors Engineering Statics
ENGR 2332Engineering Dynamics3
ENGR 2333Mechanics of Solids3
or ENGR 2933 Honors Mechanics of Solids
ENGR 3001Engineering Economics3
ENGR 3201Material Science for Engineers3
ENGR 3553Mechanics of Fluids3
or ENGR 3953 Honors Mechanics of Fluids
ENGR 3571Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics3
ENGR 4296Capstone Senior Design Project (WI)3
or ENGR 4996 Honors Capstone Senior Design Project
Free Elective 6
Total Credit Hours128

Students in the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Program must take either of the following sequences of courses:

Suggested Academic Plan

Please note that this is a suggested academic plan. Depending on your situation, your academic plan may look different. 

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Suggested Plan for New Students Starting in the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
FallCredit Hours
ENGR 1101
Introduction to Engineering and Engineering Technology
or Honors Introduction to Engineering
MATH 1041
Calculus I
or Honors Calculus I
MEE 1117 Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Design 2
PHYS 1061
Elementary Classical Physics I
or Honors Elementary Classical Physics I
ENG 0802
Analytical Reading and Writing [GW]
or Analytical Reading and Writing: ESL [GW]
or Honors Analytical Reading and Writing [GW]
 Credit Hours17
Select one of the following: 3
Chemistry for Engineers  
General Chemistry I  
CHEM 1033
General Chemistry Laboratory I
or Honors Chemical Science Laboratory I
MATH 1042
Calculus II
or Honors Calculus II
PHYS 1062
Elementary Classical Physics II
or Honors Elementary Classical Physics II
ENGR 1102 Introduction to Engineering Problem Solving 3
MEE 1305 Machine Shop Laboratory 1
 Credit Hours16
Year 2
ECE 2112 Electrical Devices & Systems I 3
ECE 2113 Electrical Devices & Systems I Lab 1
MATH 2043
Calculus III
or Honors Calculus III
ENGR 2331
Engineering Statics
or Honors Engineering Statics
ENGR 2196
Technical Communication [WI]
or Honors Technical Communication [WI]
IH 0851
Intellectual Heritage I: The Good Life [GY]
or Honors Intellectual Heritage I: The Good Life [GY]
 Credit Hours17
ENGR 2332 Engineering Dynamics 3
MEE 2305 Instrumentation and Data Acquisition Lab 1
ENGR 3571 Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics 3
MATH 2041
Differential Equations I
or Honors Differential Equations I
ENGR 2333
Mechanics of Solids
or Honors Mechanics of Solids
IH 0852
Intellectual Heritage II: The Common Good [GZ]
or Honors Intellectual Heritage II: The Common Good [GZ]
 Credit Hours16
Year 3
MEE 3011 Analysis and Computation of Linear Systems in Mechanical Engineering 3
MEE 3301 Machine Theory and Design 3
MEE 3305 Materials Laboratory 1
ENGR 3201 Material Science for Engineers 3
ENGR 3001 Engineering Economics 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
 Credit Hours16
MEE 3117 Computer-Aided Mechanical Design 3
MEE 3506 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1
ENGR 3553
Mechanics of Fluids
or Honors Mechanics of Fluids
Mechanical Engineering Technical Elective #1 3
Mechanical Engineering Technical Elective #2 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
 Credit Hours16
Year 4
MEE 4177 Design and Realization of a Mechanical System 2
MEE 4572 Heat and Mass Transfer 3
Select one of the following: 4
Mechanical Vibrations
and Vibrations Laboratory
Advanced Thermodynamics and Combustion
and Energy Conversion Laboratory
GenEd Breadth Course 3
Free Elective 3
 Credit Hours15
ENGR 4296
Capstone Senior Design Project [WI]
or Honors Capstone Senior Design Project [WI]
Mechanical Engineering Technical Elective #3 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
GenEd Breadth Course 3
Free Elective 3
 Credit Hours15
 Total Credit Hours128

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering - Temple Rome Semester Abroad Option

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
FallCredit Hours
ENGR 1101
Introduction to Engineering and Engineering Technology
or Honors Introduction to Engineering
MATH 1041
Calculus I
or Honors Calculus I
MEE 1117 Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Design 2
PHYS 1061
Elementary Classical Physics I
or Honors Elementary Classical Physics I
ENG 0802
Analytical Reading and Writing [GW]
or Analytical Reading and Writing: ESL [GW]
or Honors Analytical Reading and Writing [GW]
 Credit Hours17
Select one of the following: 3
Chemistry for Engineers  
General Chemistry I  
CHEM 1033
General Chemistry Laboratory I
or Honors Chemical Science Laboratory I
MATH 1042
Calculus II
or Honors Calculus II
PHYS 1062
Elementary Classical Physics II
or Honors Elementary Classical Physics II
ENGR 1102 Introduction to Engineering Problem Solving 3
MEE 1305 Machine Shop Laboratory 1
 Credit Hours16
Year 2
ECE 2112 Electrical Devices & Systems I 3
ECE 2113 Electrical Devices & Systems I Lab 1
MATH 2043
Calculus III
or Honors Calculus III
ENGR 2331
Engineering Statics
or Honors Engineering Statics
ENGR 2196
Technical Communication [WI]
or Honors Technical Communication [WI]
IH 0851
Intellectual Heritage I: The Good Life [GY]
or Honors Intellectual Heritage I: The Good Life [GY]
 Credit Hours17
Semester Abroad at Temple Rome  
ENGR 2332 Engineering Dynamics 3
ENGR 2333 Mechanics of Solids 3
ENGR 3571 Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics 3
MATH 2041 Differential Equations I 3
ITAL 1001 Italian Language I 4
 Credit Hours16
Year 3
ENGR 3553 Mechanics of Fluids 3
MEE 3506 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1
MEE 3011 Analysis and Computation of Linear Systems in Mechanical Engineering 3
ENGR 3201 Material Science for Engineers 3
MEE 2305 Instrumentation and Data Acquisition Lab 1
IH 0852
Intellectual Heritage II: The Common Good [GZ]
or Honors Intellectual Heritage II: The Common Good [GZ]
Free Elective 2
 Credit Hours16
MEE 3301 Machine Theory and Design 3
MEE 3305 Materials Laboratory 1
Mechanical Engineering Technical Elective #1 3
Mechanical Engineering Technical Elective #2 3
ENGR 3001 Engineering Economics 3
GenEd Breadth Course 1 3
 Credit Hours16
Year 4
MEE 3117 Computer-Aided Mechanical Design 3
MEE 4177 Design and Realization of a Mechanical System 2
MEE 4572 Heat and Mass Transfer 3
Select one of the following: 4
Mechanical Vibrations
and Vibrations Laboratory
Advanced Thermodynamics and Combustion
and Energy Conversion Laboratory
GenEd Breadth Course 1 3
 Credit Hours15
ENGR 4296
Capstone Senior Design Project [WI]
or Honors Capstone Senior Design Project [WI]
Mechanical Engineering Technical Elective #3 3
GenEd Breadth Course 1 3
GenEd Breadth Course 1 3
Free Elective 3
 Credit Hours15
 Total Credit Hours128

Students participating in the College of Engineering Temple Rome semester abroad program will not be required to complete the Global/World Society General Education requirement as the abroad experience will waive the Global/World Society requirement.

Approved Technical Electives

BIOE 3719Introduction to Bioengineering3
BIOE 3725Cell Biology for Engineers3
BIOE 4741Biomaterials for Engineers3
CEE 3048Probability, Statistics & Stochastic Methods3
CEE 3711Environmental Engineering3
ECE 3822Engineering Computation II (Note: permission of instructor required)3
ENGR 4116Spacecraft Systems Engineering3
ENGR 4121Design of Experiments3
ENGR 4201Micro- to Nano-sized Machines3
ENGR 4314Continuum Mechanics3
ENGR 4576Computational Fluid Dynamics3
MEE 3185Mechanical Engineering Summer Work Experience3
MEE 3302Kinematics of Mechanisms3
MEE 3421Dynamic Systems3
MEE 3422Modeling and Control of Electromechanical Systems3
MEE 4040Special Topics1 to 4
MEE 4172High-Speed Imaging and Analysis for Engineering Applications3
MEE 4173Data Acquisition and Analysis for Engineers3
MEE 4212Tribology and Surface Engineering3
MEE 4311Mechanics of Composite Materials3
MEE 4314Impact and Crashworthiness3
MEE 4411Introduction to Mobile Robotics (Note: MEE 4412 is prerequisite)3
MEE 4412Modern Dynamics for Robotics3
MEE 4413Robotic Manipulation (Note: MEE 4412 is prerequisite)3
MEE 4414Optimization and Control of Mechanical Systems (Note: MEE 3422 is prerequisite)3
MEE 4422
MEE 4405
Mechanical Vibrations
and Vibrations Laboratory
MEE 4512Compressible Fluid Dynamics3
MEE 4513Aerodynamics3
MEE 4571
MEE 4506
Advanced Thermodynamics and Combustion
and Energy Conversion Laboratory
MEE 4574Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning3
MEE 4575Renewable and Alternative Energy3
MEE 4577Power Generation and Storage Technologies3
MEE 4578Fundamentals of Combustion3
MEE 4643Manufacturing Engineering3
MEE 4731Cardiovascular Fluid Dynamics3

Accelerated Programs

Students may opt to pursue an accelerated +1 program, enabling them to complete both a bachelor's degree and master's degree in less time than the traditional route.

The following accelerated program may be of interest to students in the Mechanical Engineering BSME:

College of Engineering