Learn more about the Master of Public Health in Epidemiology.

About the Program

The Master of Public Health in Epidemiology is a professional degree program for students who desire fundamental and applied training in the public health sciences with a focus on epidemiological study design, disease surveillance methods, population-based research, and core biostatistical methods. This practice-oriented program prepares students to successfully work in public health and applied epidemiology agencies, including conducting disease surveillance within government public health agencies; directing community demonstration and clinical trials research; and evaluating and running screening programs and other preventative health services in the broad areas of public health practice and health policy. The program is grounded in the core MPH competencies and disciplines of public health with an emphasis on epidemiological techniques. It covers the application of epidemiological research methods with an emphasis on developing research and methodological skills and critically evaluating current epidemiological studies. 

Applicants to the MPH in Epidemiology can choose between our on-campus and online programs, both of which adhere to the same competency-based curriculum and content. Only the delivery formats differ: 

  • The on-campus format is designed for students who prefer live interaction with instructors and fellow students, access to campus activities, and the opportunity to choose local Philadelphia fieldwork placements with the assistance of our fieldwork coordinator. Students can enroll full-time or part- time. While some courses may be offered online or in hybrid formats, most of the coursework is delivered in person over a full 16-week academic term during evening hours. 

  • The online format is designed for working professionals interested in completing their degree remotely with courses that include both synchronous classes held via Zoom and asynchronous activities. Students can enroll full-time or part-time. A fieldwork coordinator works with students to find appropriate placement in their preferred geographic location. 

Time Limit for Degree Completion: 4 years 

Campus Location: Main for in-person instruction or Online 

Full-Time/Part-Time Status: Students can complete the degree program through evening classes and online courses. Full-time students usually complete the program within two academic years. Part-time students usually take three to four years to complete their degree. 

Interdisciplinary Study: Interdisciplinary MPH coursework, research and interactions with students and faculty in other departments are encouraged to give students as broad a perspective as possible to excel in the complex, diverse and dynamic state of public health. Through associations with the Center for Obesity Research and Education, Center for Women's Health, and others, students have access to over 100 faculty at Temple University and additional regional scholars who are actively involved in programs, research and teaching in public health. Further, as with other MPH degree programs offered by the College of Public Health, the MPH in Epidemiology can be undertaken as part of these dual MPH degree programs: 

  • DMD/MPH with Temple University's Kornberg School of Dentistry 
  • JD/MPH with Temple University's Beasley School of Law 
  • MD/MPH with the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University 
  • MHA/MPH with Temple University's Fox School of Business and Management 
  • MPP/MPH with Temple University's College of Liberal Arts 
  • MS Health Informatics/MPH within the Temple University College of Public Health 
  • MSW/MPH with the Temple University School of Social Work 

Affiliation(s): Locally, the program has long-standing research affiliations with Fox Chase Cancer Center, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Department of Public Health, Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC), Temple University Health System. The program also has numerous other health systems and community health agencies and organizations inside and outside of Philadelphia. These partnerships allow us to offer students a wide range of fieldwork opportunities to translate skills learned in the classroom to actual practice in the community. 

Study Abroad: Short-term, international travel experiences focused on public healthare offered as part of the MPH program of study through the Public Health Beyond Borders (PHBB) group and elective course. Contact the PHBB faculty advisor for information about timing of travel.   

Accreditation: The MPH is fully accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH). Achieving accreditation in 1985, Temple's MPH program is one of the longest established accredited MPH programs in the country. 

Areas of Specialization: The MPH degree program is offered in six specialty fields of study: 

  • Applied Biostatistics (APBIO) 

  • Environmental Health (EH) 

  • Epidemiology (EPI) 

  • Health Policy and Management (HPM) 

  • Nutrition (NUTR) 

  • Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) 

Students in the MPH program may complete transcripted College of Public Health certificate programs by taking their 9 credits of electives in the relevant coursework. For questions about certificates, please contact your Academic Advisor or Graduate Program Director. 

Job Prospects: Graduates with an MPH in Epidemiology have positions in a wide range of health-related settings, including state and local public health departments, community-based organizations, voluntary health agencies, health maintenance organizations, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, clinics, schools and other public health-related work sites. Graduates are employed as HIV/AIDS coordinators, infection control coordinators, project directors, program evaluation specialists, research directors, prevention specialists, environmental health specialists, protocol directors, senior health educators and consultants. Virtually all students are placed within three to six months of graduation. 

Licensure/Certification: Students who complete an MPH at Temple University are eligible to sit for the Certified in Public Health (CPH) exam offered by the National Board of Public Health Examiners and the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES®) exam offered by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. (NCHEC). For more information about credentialing in public health, visit 

Non-Matriculated Student Policy: Non-matriculated students are required to speak with an advisor before registering for classes and to obtain the permission of the professor, whether the coursework is taken in the on-campus or online format. If accepted to the program, a maximum of three courses (9 credits) may be applied toward the degree program. Exceptions to this policy relate to formal certificate programs. For more information, contact Natasha Benoit, Senior Academic Advisor, at 

Financing Opportunities: The Graduate School awards fellowships on a competitive basis only to students with outstanding academic records who are admitted to Temple University for the Fall term. Applicants who wish to be considered for fellowships must apply no later than January 26 for consideration for the Fall term. The Admissions Committee of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics nominates outstanding students for these awards, but the Graduate Board's Fellowship Committee makes all award decisions. 

Limited Teaching and Research Assistantships may be available in the College of Public Health. The Graduate School website details the types of graduate student support. Assistantships are awarded on a term or annual basis. Students whose Fall applications are complete prior to or at the application deadline are reviewed for eligibility for Teaching Assistant (TA) positions. TAs can work 5 to 20 hours per week in any combination of teaching assignments made by the department and must meet the English Language Proficiency standards set by the University and the College. Students who hold Teaching or Research Assistantships are not permitted to hold other employment without the written prior approval of their advisor, the Director of Graduate Programs, and the Graduate School. To be considered for a Teaching or Research Assistantship, complete an application form that is sent to students upon admission to the MPH program. The completed application must be returned to to be considered. 

The College of Public Health has a limited number of scholarship opportunities available for MPH students, as shown at admissions/scholarships. Students may also be eligible for financial support through the Office of Student Financial Services. 

Admission Requirements and Deadlines

Application Deadline:

Fall: March 1

All applicants to the MPH program must apply via the Centralized Application Service for Public Health (SOPHAS). The system can be accessed at

Applicants should check their application status on the SOPHAS portal often and inquire directly of SOPHAS about receipt of materials. For other questions, please contact the CPH Office of Admissions at or 215-204-5200.

Letters of Reference:
Number Required: 3

From Whom: Letters of recommendation, which are completed electronically through the SOPHAS system, should be obtained from college/university faculty members familiar with the applicant's academic competence. If the applicant has been out of school for more than 5 years, ensure that letters are provided by professional colleagues who can discuss your relevant academic skills, including critical thinking, research and writing.

Coursework Required for Admission Consideration: Applicants' files are reviewed for undergraduate coursework in mathematics and/or statistics, social sciences and writing.

Bachelor's Degree in Discipline/Related Discipline: All applicants must present credentials that are the equivalent of an accredited baccalaureate degree. The minimum acceptable undergraduate GPA is 3.0. No prerequisites must be met to apply to the MPH program at Temple University, but applicants with a GPA of 3.25 or greater in mathematics/statistics courses and strong grades in writing are preferred.

A WES evaluation is required for applicants who completed their bachelor's degree outside of the United States. This can be requested at and submitted through SOPHAS.

Statement of Goals: Write a well-considered 500- to 1,000-word statement of purpose that articulates your interests in public health and our program in particular. Craft your statement to specifically address the following questions:

  • Why are you pursuing the MPH in Epidemiology, and what are your particular areas of interest in public health?
  • How does the MPH in Epidemiology best fit your public health interests?
  • What are your career goals, and how will this degree help you to achieve these goals?
  • What are your plans in the first few years after graduation?

Standardized Test Scores:
GRE: Optional. While the program takes a portfolio approach to admissions, standardized tests provide important insight into quantitative and verbal abilities. If submitted, scores above the 50th percentile on both the verbal and quantitative sections of the test are desired. Official GRE scores should be sent to SOPHAS using code 0151. If GRE scores are not submitted, it is recommended that the applicant’s GPA is 3.25 or greater in mathematics and statistics courses. This provides important information on the applicant's quantitative abilities required for the program. Applications that do not include GRE scores and do not meet the mathematics/statistics GPA must provide some evidence of quantitative abilities either through prior experiences, the personal statement and/or letters of recommendation.

Standardized tests considered in lieu of the GRE include DAT, GMAT, MCAT, OAT and PCAT. The LSAT, which is also considered for some MPH specialties, is not accepted when applying for Applied Biostatistics or Epidemiology.

Applicants who earned their baccalaureate degree from an institution where the language of instruction was other than English, with the exception of those who subsequently earned a master’s degree at a U.S. institution, must report scores for a standardized test of English that meet these minimums:

  • TOEFL iBT: 79 (send officially to SOPHAS using the SOPHAS-specific TOEFL code 5688)
  • IELTS Academic: 6.5
  • PTE Academic: 53
  • Duolingo: 110

Resume: Current resume or CV required.

Laptop: Laptops are integrated into the College of Public Health curricula, and all students are required to have a laptop for full participation in class activities; online class sessions; online exam proctoring; and the use of special software, which is used to reinforce the learning objectives and program student learning competencies in certain classes. A laptop that meets the minimum device specifications defined below IS REQUIRED for all undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Public Health 

Review the College of Public Health laptop requirement for additional information:  

Transfer Credit: Graduate credits from an MPH program accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) may be transferred into the MPH. The credits must be equivalent to coursework offered at Temple, and the grade must be a "B" or better in order to transfer. The MPH program director approves the transfer of credits based on a review of course materials provided by the student. The maximum number of credits a student may transfer is 9. 

Clearances: The MPH program requires students to complete fieldwork education. In the MPH program, it is the fieldwork site that determines the clearances, such as criminal background check and FBI fingerprinting, needed by a student. The results of these clearances determine whether a student may be onboarded at a respective site. 

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they obtain the necessary clearances for their fieldwork. Clearances are site-specific. If you plan on completing your fieldwork in a site that requires clearances such as, but not limited toa hospital, at a health department, or with children or youth, please start to obtain your clearances the semester prior to fieldwork. Many sites now require a background check and child abuse clearance. Hospitals and other clinical sites may also require physicals, immunization records, and drug testing.   

These clearances can take up to 4-6 weeks to process. If you do not start this process the semester before fieldwork, it could significantly delay your fieldwork start date and ultimately your graduation.   

Program Requirements

General Program Requirements:
Number of Credits Required Beyond the Baccalaureate: 42

Required Courses:

College Core Course
HRPR 5001Current and Emerging Issues in Public Health and Health Professions0
Public Health Core Courses
ENVH 5004Environmental Health1.5
EPBI 5006Biostatistics and Applied Analysis of Health4.5
EPBI 5201Epidemiological Research Methods I3
HPM 5006Political and Economic Aspects of Health3
SBS 5001Fundamentals of Public Health3
SBS 5002Program Planning, Theory, and Practice3
Epidemiology Core Courses
EPBI 8012Multivariable Biostatistics3
EPBI 8202Epidemiological Research Methods II3
EPBI 8205Chronic Disease Epidemiology3
or EPBI 8206 Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Epidemiology Elective 1
Select one from the following:3
Environmental Epidemiology
Surveillance, Epidemics and Outbreaks
Social Epidemiology
Reproductive and Perinatal Epidemiology
Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS
Cancer Epidemiology
Electives 2
Select two from the following:6
Spatial Analysis in Public Health
Mental Health Epidemiology
Risk Assessment and Preparedness Decision Making
Seminar in Current Issues in Public Health 3
Clinical Research Methods in Public Health
Behavioral Epidemiology
Systematic Reviews
MPH Fieldwork Experience
EPBI 9289MPH Fieldwork I3
EPBI 9389MPH Fieldwork II3
Total Credit Hours42

Other electives may be taken with approval.


Courses not taken to fulfill the Epidemiology elective above may be selected to fulfill one or both of these general electives. Other electives may be taken with approval.


Approval required.

Minimum Grade to be Earned for All Required Courses: B-

Culminating Events:
Fieldwork Practicum:
Students are required to synthesize and integrate the knowledge acquired in coursework and other learning experiences and to apply theory and principles in a situation that approximates some aspect of professional practice through an internship or practicum experience with a public health agency, health services organization, or under the supervision of a faculty preceptor. The MPH fieldwork experience serves as the applied practice experience as required by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH), the accrediting body for schools and programs of public health, for completion of the Master of Public Health degree. In addition, this applied practice experience provides the student with the opportunity to develop expertise in a topic area and to contribute original and independent observations to a body of knowledge.

Evaluative Paper:
For the applied practice experience to fulfill the requirements of EPBI 9289 and EPBI 9389, MPH in Epidemiology students are expected to complete a fieldwork experience. The required deliverable for the MPH fieldwork requirement is a final evaluative paper. Students must demonstrate their proficiency and the application of theory and principles in the paper.

Accelerated Programs

Undergraduate students may opt to pursue an accelerated +1 program, enabling them to complete both a bachelor's degree and master's degree in less time than the traditional route.

The accelerated pathway for the Epidemiology MPH is available to students pursuing the Public Health BS.

Cohort Code: XMPHEPI

Minimum Cumulative GPA: 3.50

Graduate Courses Approved to Count for Both Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees

EPBI 5201Epidemiological Research Methods I 13
HPM 5006Political and Economic Aspects of Health 23
SBS 5001Fundamentals of Public Health 33
SBS 5002Program Planning, Theory, and Practice 43

EPBI 5201 fulfills the EPBI 3102 requirement for the Public Health BS.


HPM 5006 fulfills the HPM 2214 requirement for the Public Health BS.


SBS 5001 fulfills a Public Health elective for the Public Health BS.


SBS 5002 fulfills a Public Health elective for the Public Health BS.

Suggested Academic Plan

Plan of Study Grid
Year 3
FallCredit Hours
SBS 5001 Fundamentals of Public Health 3
 Credit Hours3
HPM 5006 Political and Economic Aspects of Health 3
 Credit Hours3
Year 4
EPBI 5201 Epidemiological Research Methods I 3
 Credit Hours3
SBS 5002 Program Planning, Theory, and Practice 3
 Credit Hours3
 Total Credit Hours12

Admissions Criteria

Candidates for the +1 program must:

  • be a declared Public Health major.
  • must take 12 graduate credits.
  • must earn a B or better in graduate courses.
  • take no more than 18 credits per term once starting the +1 program.
  • if a junior status entrant, be able to complete their undergraduate degree within two years of program entry; if a senior status entrant, be able to complete their undergraduate degree within one year of program entry.
  • complete the graduate degree in one additional year including one summer term.

Contact Information

Caite Wolak, MPH

Learn more about the accelerated program in Epidemiology.


Program Web Address:

Department Information:

Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Ritter Hall Annex, 9th Floor (004-09)

1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19122-6005


Submission Address for Application Materials:

Department Contacts:


CPH Office of Admissions


Graduate Program Director:

Aimee J. Palumbo, PhD, MPH

Associate Professor



Resa M. Jones, MPH, PhD

Associate Professor
