Learn more about the Master of Arts in English.

About the Program

The English program enjoys a high reputation for education and research in both traditional and innovative areas of literary history and literary criticism. The graduate program prides itself on providing students with the advantages of studying at a Research I institution in a diverse urban environment.

Time Limit for Degree Completion: 3 years

Campus Location: Main

Full-Time/Part-Time Status: In order to be certified as full-time, a student must engage in at least 9 credits of coursework each term or the equivalent in supervised teaching, dissertation research or writing. In special circumstances, the department permits part-time enrollment, but such students are not exempt from the guidelines concerning reasonable academic progress toward the degree.

Interdisciplinary Study: Students take courses in all areas of literary studies and are encouraged to develop their interests in related areas, such as History, Philosophy, Psychology, the arts and non-print media.

Affiliation(s):  Affiliations include the Association of Departments of English (ADE) and the Modern Language Association (MLA).

Areas of Specialization: The literature faculty specializes in both emerging and traditional areas of literary scholarship. The MA program provides options for intensive study in critical theory, cultural theory, digital humanities, interdisciplinary methods, minority literature and women’s studies. Traditional areas of study include Medieval, eighteenth-century, nineteenth-century, modern and contemporary literature, as well as rhetoric and composition.

Job Prospects: Graduates find jobs in the Philadelphia area and in all parts of the United States as teachers, editors, and journalists, and in all professions that value writing and critical thinking.

Non-Matriculated Student Policy: In general, English graduate courses are open only to students who are matriculated in an English graduate degree program. However, students matriculated in another graduate program at Temple University may be admitted to English courses at the discretion of the instructor. In exceptional cases, a non-matriculated student may request permission from the instructor to register for a course. All non-matriculated students or students in other University graduate programs should first contact the Graduate Director, who will advise on registering.

Financing Opportunities: Assistantship monies are typically reserved for doctoral students.

Admission Requirements and Deadlines

Application Deadline:

Fall: February 15

APPLY ONLINE to this graduate program.

Letters of Reference:
Number Required: 2

From Whom: Letters of recommendation should be obtained from college/university faculty members familiar with the applicant's academic abilities.

Coursework Required for Admission Consideration: An applicant should hold an undergraduate degree in English or have completed equivalent coursework in English and American literature.

Bachelor's Degree in Discipline/Related Discipline: A baccalaureate degree is required in a Humanities discipline. A wide range of literature courses should have been taken.

Statement of Goals: In approximately 600 to 1,000 words, share your research interests, completed coursework that has especially interested you, and the relevance of the MA to your future goals.

Standardized Test Scores:
GRE: Optional. Scores may be submitted if available.

GRE Subject Test in Literature: Optional. Scores should be submitted if available.

Applicants who earned their baccalaureate degree from an institution where the language of instruction was other than English, with the exception of those who subsequently earned a master’s degree at a U.S. institution, must report scores for a standardized test of English that meet these minimums:

  • TOEFL iBT: 105
  • IELTS Academic: 7.0
  • PTE Academic: 72

ResumeCurrent CV or resume required.

Writing Sample: The writing sample should be a work of literary criticism, not creative writing, approximately 12 to 15 pages in length. It should represent the best of its author's critical and writing abilities.

Program Requirements

General Program Requirements:
Number of Credits Required Beyond the Baccalaureate: 30

Required Courses:

Coursework, including at least one advanced-level (8000 to 9000-level) seminar27
ENG 9996Master's Essay3
Total Credit Hours30

Language Requirement: Students must demonstrate a reading knowledge of one foreign language. Additional information on the variety of ways students can fulfill this requirement can be found in the Graduate English Office.

Culminating Events:
Qualifying Paper:
While enrolled in ENG 9996, students must write a qualifying paper that demonstrates the student's ability to write clearly and analytically on a literary subject. Typically a substantial revision of a paper submitted for a previous course, the qualifying paper (4,000-6,000 words) is to be submitted in the last term of coursework. Students work with a Graduate Faculty sponsor who must approve it for submission to the Graduate Director. The paper must then be approved by the MA Qualifying Paper Committee, which may accept the essay or ask for revisions.

Accelerated Programs

Undergraduate students may opt to pursue an accelerated +1 program, enabling them to complete both a bachelor's degree and master's degree in less time than the traditional route.

The accelerated pathway for the English MA is only available to undergraduate students in the English BA.

Cohort Code: XMAENGL

Minimum Cumulative GPA: 3.50

Graduate Courses Approved to Count for Both Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees

ENG 5001Introduction to Graduate Study in English (or any introductory graduate English course) 13
Two ENG 5000+ electives 26

The course will substitute for one 2000-level English course.


Two English 5000+ electives will substitute for two English 3000-level courses.

Suggested Academic Plan

Plan of Study Grid
Year 4
FallCredit Hours
ENG 5001 Introduction to Graduate Study in English (or any introductory graduate English course) 3
 Credit Hours3
ENG 5000+ elective 3
ENG 5000+ elective 3
 Credit Hours6
 Total Credit Hours9

Admissions Criteria

Candidates for the +1 program must:

  • be a declared English major.
  • have completed at least 21 of the total 36 English credits required for the major with at least a 3.80 GPA.
  • be able to complete all required 2000-level English courses by the end of junior year.
  • apply by March 15th of their junior year.
  • be able to complete their undergraduate degree in two full-time semesters after entering the program.
  • take no more than 18 credits per semester in the undergraduate senior year.
  • complete the graduate degree in one additional year.
  • demonstrate intermediate-level reading knowledge of one foreign language by the end of the program.


Contact Information

Steve Newman, Director of Graduate Studies:

LaTasha Goodman, Manager of Administration of English:

Anne Layman Horn, Undergraduate Advisor:

Learn more about the +1 in the English MA.

Additional information about the +1 programs in Liberal Arts.


Program Web Address:

Department Information:

Dept. of English

1027 Mazur Hall

1114 W. Polett Walk

Philadelphia, PA 19122-6090


Submission Address for Application Materials:

Department Contacts:


Admissions Contact

Director of Graduate Studies:

Steve Newman, PhD



Roland Williams, PhD


Manager of Administration in English:

LaTasha Goodman
