Course information contained within the Bulletin is accurate at the time of publication in July 2024 but is subject to change. For the most up-to-date course information, please refer to the Course Catalog.

IB 2501. Fundamentals of Asian Business. 3 Credit Hours.

This course is designed to enable students to grasp broad knowledge on Asian business practices. The semester will begin by surveying the wide array of national characteristics that corporate decision-makers must consider prior to making economic decisions on foreign investment. During this section of the course, we will also analyze economic, social, and political conditions in India in order to provide practical examples of how the national characteristics impact the decision-making process. It will then examine the similarities and dissimilarities among Japanese, Chinese, and Korean businesses and the special features of Japanese business, such as the network relationships among companies and groups called keiretsu. Given our understanding of the above issues, we will examine how American companies should compete in Asia.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

IB 2502. Fundamentals of Latin American Business. 3 Credit Hours.

This course is designed to give students a solid basis to face a job assignment related to business in a Latin American country and to develop your ability to perceive the importance of cultural diversity and how it influences business activities across Latin American countries. Specifically, this course will help you understand the specific challenges of doing business in Latin America and enable you to perceive and understand the differences in the business environment, business customs, and business practices between countries of Latin America and of the rest of the world.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

IB 2503. Fundamentals of European Business. 3 Credit Hours.

This course offers an overview of the European business environment, highlighting its specific challenges and business opportunities. This course analyzes the dual process of European integration and enlargement of the European Union, and the tensions between the two. While mostly focusing on the European Union country members, this course will also examine non-EU countries in Europe. You will understand when and how multinational firms must adapt their business policies and organizations to the specific needs of national environments in Europe. In-depth cases and recent articles from the business press serve as the basis for many class discussions.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

IB 2504. Fundamentals of Business in Africa and the Middle East. 3 Credit Hours.

This is an exciting course for students interested in developing skills essential for effectively doing business in and with Africa and the Middle East. We will study the differences, challenges, and benefits that companies encounter when venturing in Africa and the Middle East, and use experiential learning to gain fluency in cultural and business practices.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

IB 2509. Short Study Trip Abroad: Doing Business in a Foreign Country. 1 to 3 Credit Hour.

This is a for-credit course paired with a trip to a foreign country, in order to study in depth this country’s environment for doing business (cultural, social, economic, legal, political aspects), and how to navigate it successfully, both as a firm and as an individual. The in-country portion of the program will include mostly visits of companies and local organizations, as well as some touristic visits. The course aims to put the foreign country in the broader context of globalization, regional economic integration, and the mutual influence and relationships the country entertains with the rest of the world.

Repeatability: This course may be repeated for additional credit.

IB 3101. Fundamentals of International Business. 3 Credit Hours.

This course offers an introduction to the basic concepts and practices in international business. Topics to be covered include the economic, social, cultural, legal, and political environments of international trade and multinational corporations (MNCs), international institutions and agencies that impact on international business, the nature and characteristics of international business, strategy and structure of MNCs, problems of foreign direct investments, and conflicts between host countries and MNCs, and effects of MNCs on the economy.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

IB 3551. International Finance. 3 Credit Hours.

The course surveys the theory and practice of international finance, as it relates to both markets and firms. Topics include issues in international financial systems, currency market and risk management, and international corporate finance.

College Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: Business & Mngmnt, Fox School.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

Pre-requisites: Minimum grade of D- (except where noted) in (FIN 3101, FIN 3901, FIN 3503 (C or higher), or 'Y' in FIN3)

IB 3553. International Marketing. 3 Credit Hours.

This course identifies and addresses the challenges of marketing and analysis of the internal marketing system of countries with various types of political-economic structures. The strategic impact of economic, cultural, political, and legal differences on marketing are emphasized while issues of international product, price, promotion, and distribution issues are also considered. NOTE: Marketing Majors must earn a grade of C or better in this course to be eligible to take the capstone Marketing course 4501.

College Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: Business & Mngmnt, Fox School.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

Pre-requisites: Minimum grade of C- in (MKTG 2101 or MKTG 2901)

IB 3563. International Trade. 3 Credit Hours.

An examination of the basic theories of international trade, commercial policy, and factor movements. Topics may include the relation between trade and economic growth, global aspects of U.S. trade policy, international trade agreements, and protectionism.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

IB 3565. International Human Resource Management. 3 Credit Hours.

Focuses on the role of the manager in international organizations and creates awareness of differing legal environments and societal attitudes. Relates national differences to functional areas of human resource management - staffing, compensation, training, and labor relations.

College Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: Business & Mngmnt, Fox School.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

Pre-requisites: Minimum grade of C- in (HRM 1101 or HRM 1901)

IB 3580. Special Topics in International Business. 1 to 6 Credit Hour.

Special topics in current developments in the field of international business.

College Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: Business & Mngmnt, Fox School.

Repeatability: This course may be repeated for additional credit.

IB 3581. International Business Internship. 3 Credit Hours.

The International Business internship is designed to provide experiential learning to students enrolled in the course. Students will apply what they have learned in the classroom to a project to be implemented within an international business environment. Students will engage a business owner or manager in defining and developing a project for mutual benefit and learning. This project will include an objective, a goal, and a work plan to implement work towards achieving that goal. Further, the project will be supervised by the business owner/manager and will be implemented by the student. The project will acquaint the students with a global business mindset and international business operations.

Class Restrictions: May not be enrolled in one of the following Classes: Freshman 0 to 29 Credits.

Repeatability: This course may be repeated for additional credit.

IB 3582. Independent Study. 1 to 6 Credit Hour.

Readings and/or papers under supervision of a faculty member. The student should pursue a topic of interest by getting a faculty member to agree to supervise the student's study. Possible topics of interest to the faculty in the department include: cross-border mergers and acquisitions, foreign direct investment, and global sourcing, among others.

College Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: Business & Mngmnt, Fox School.

Repeatability: This course may be repeated for additional credit.

IB 3585. International Business Internship. 3 or 6 Credit Hours.

The course objective is to enable students to gain practical work experience on a project of relevance to their academic program, while providing the latest best practices and international business concepts on projects for employers. The course consists of an internship with a company involved in international business and the internship location is abroad. Students are encouraged to apply for currently developed internship programs including those with Temple University overseas programs or campuses, other global internship providers, as well as select a reputable organization of their interest. The student will produce a project paper and/or other assignments based on student's internship projects within the organization. NOTE: A minimum of a 2.5 GPA and approval by the professor is required.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

IB 3596. Global Entrepreneurship. 3 Credit Hours.

This course is based on a hands-on semester-long global entrepreneurship project that will require you to work through the whole process of setting up an import/export venture, from identifying a trade lead and foreign country to conduct business in, all the way to organizing the delivery of your imported or exported good to the final customer and choosing an appropriate payment method. This course will help you develop practical knowledge in the areas of international market research, cross-cultural negotiations, customs and trade regulations, global logistics, international pricing and payment methods in a foreign country. The course consists of lectures and videos, class discussions and exercises, as well as a group project.

Course Attributes: WI

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

Pre-requisites: Minimum grade of C- in (IB 3101 or IB 3901) and (BA 2196 (may be taken concurrently) or BA 2996 (may be taken concurrently))

IB 3682. Independent Study. 1 to 6 Credit Hour.

Readings and/or papers under supervision of a faculty member. The student should pursue a topic of interest by getting a faculty member to agree to supervise the student's study. Possible topics of interest to the faculty in the department include: cross-border mergers and acquisitions, foreign direct investment, and global sourcing, among others.

College Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: Business & Mngmnt, Fox School.

Repeatability: This course may be repeated for additional credit.

IB 4587. International Business Practicum. 3 Credit Hours.

This is the capstone senior course for the IBA major. This course covers strategic-level international business issues, such as choosing between local adaptation and international standardization of operations, HQs-subsidiaries relationships, design and coordination of an international supply chain. This course offers opportunities for practical applications of IB knowledge and techniques acquired across the IBA curriculum through two main assignments: an online international business simulation running a multinational corporation; as well as a consulting project requiring an in-depth analysis of an international business situation and practical recommendations. NOTE: This course is open only to IBA majors and must be taken by Senior students in their graduating semester.

Field of Study Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Majors: International Business.
College Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: Business & Mngmnt, Fox School.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

Pre-requisites: Minimum grade of C- in IB 3596.

IB 5503. Disruption and Strategic Responses. 3 Credit Hours.

This course is designed to present the break-through concepts and frameworks to respond to disruptions and uncertainty in a global business context. It combines multiple attributes and analytical frameworks to investigate the most appropriate strategic response(s) while avoiding biases and pitfalls that often cause strategies to fail. This course focuses on challenges and opportunities in crafting and executing strategies amid changes that occur at all levels (e.g., country, industry, corporate, and individual). It contains theoretical and experiential elements to strategically respond to (geo)political, economic, technological, environmental, and legal disruptions. These strategies allow companies and their managers to create value by establishing and maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage. Note: Whereas there are no prerequisites for this course, students without any experience and/or coursework in marketing or strategy should consult the faculty for guidance and possible additional preparation.

Level Registration Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

IB 5511. International Management. 3 Credit Hours.

Level Registration Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

Pre-requisites: Minimum grade of B- in (ACCT 5001, ECON 5001, STAT 5001, MKTG 5001, MIS 5001, FIN 5001, and MSOM 5001)

IB 5570. Special Topics. 1 to 6 Credit Hour.

Level Registration Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate.

Repeatability: This course may be repeated for additional credit.

IB 5580. Special Topics. 1 to 6 Credit Hour.

Level Registration Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate.

Repeatability: This course may be repeated for additional credit.

IB 5582. Independent Study. 1 to 6 Credit Hour.

Level Registration Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate.

Repeatability: This course may be repeated for additional credit.

IB 5590. Special Topics: Intl Bus. 3 Credit Hours.

Level Registration Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate.

Repeatability: This course may be repeated for additional credit.

IB 5882. Independent Study. 1 to 6 Credit Hour.

Level Registration Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate.

Repeatability: This course may be repeated for additional credit.

IB 5890. Special Topics. 1 to 6 Credit Hour.

Level Registration Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate.

Repeatability: This course may be repeated for additional credit.

IB 9001. Theory-Int Bus & Mltinat. 3 Credit Hours.

Level Registration Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

IB 9002. Empirical Research in International Business. 3 Credit Hours.

The course is designed to provide an introduction to issues relevant to international business/cross-national/cross-cultural research. We will investigate basic elements of research theory, constructs, measures, data collection and analysis, and other elements of international business research. While the underlying objective of this course is to familiarize you with basic tools in IB research, a higher-level goal is to provide hands-on experience of conducting high quality original research.

Level Registration Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate.
Degree Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Degrees: Doctor of Philosophy.
College Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: Business & Mngmnt, Fox School.

Repeatability: This course may not be repeated for additional credits.

IB 9090. Spec Topic Intl Bus. 1 to 6 Credit Hour.

Level Registration Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate.

Repeatability: This course may be repeated for additional credit.

IB 9183. Directed Study in International Business. 3 Credit Hours.

Level Registration Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate.
Degree Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Degrees: Doctor of Philosophy.
College Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: Business & Mngmnt, Fox School.

Repeatability: This course may be repeated for additional credit.